Absolute opposition - page 5

I'm outta here......
It's up to you, I don't know about the monkey and the typewriter and war and peace, but 1942... not so unbelievable.


0=0, 1-18 is red, 19-37 is black

Ah, I see, only 0;36
I don't get it, I know what's going to happen...

I wanted to show people that in theory the impossible is possible.

I've got another one that shows the preponderance of MM over the trading signal but I may not succeed, I'll be out of the hospital soon ...
Ivan Vagin:
Ah, I see, only 0;36
What I don't understand is that I know what's going to happen...

I wanted to show people that the impossible is theoretically possible

There's also a trick that shows the prevailing role of MM over the trading signal but it probably won't work, I'll be out of the hospital soon ...
The logic is simple! Even if you have an unlimited deposit, any casino has a limit on increasing bets, which will lead to the loss of that part of your "unlimited deposit" to the bank in favor of the casino!
The logic is simple! Even if you have an unlimited deposit, any casino has a restriction on increasing bets, which will result in losing that banked portion of your "unlimited deposit" to the casino!
The logic is even simpler, I did not claim that this would work in real life, due to the limitations imposed by the casino itself, just to see what the catch I was suggesting and offer to look at the picture in its purest form
Ivan Vagin:
The logic is even simpler, I did not argue that it would work in real life, due to the restrictions imposed by the casino itself, just to understand what the trick I suggested and offer to look at the picture in its purest form
Ideally, it can not be endlessly falling out with one colour, that is the limitation, zero. Even without them, no one has an infinite deposit! That is why martins can show decent results only in the tester after optimization. Any working system should show positive results with constant lot, and then apply MM at will, without exceeding reasonable risks.
Ideally, there's no way one colour can fall out indefinitely, that's the limit, zeros. Even without them, no one has an infinite deposit! That is why martins can show decent results only in the tester after optimization. Any working system must show positive results with a constant lot, and then apply MM at will, without exceeding reasonable risks.
What is "ideal" according to you?
Ideally, one colour cannot fall forever, that's the limit, zeros. Even if there were no zeros, no one has an endless deposit! That is why martins can show decent results only in the tester after optimization. Any working system should show positive results with a constant lot, and then apply MM at will, without exceeding reasonable risks.
You don't need an endless deposit, we are talking about nothing.

All market makers work on martin, they don't give a shit where the market is going, at least they can make a small war in order to jump out of a loss with a profit.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What is "ideal" according to you?
The ideal in this and most cases is real! Not even a probable case!
Ivan Vagin:
No need for an endless deposit, we're talking about nothing.
Then there was nothing to start with!
So, there was no reason to start!
The condition of publication was that someone had to code the algorithm and post the code here, while I am in the hospital, but everything is still at the level of slogans

And this story has a sequel, but probably no one will ever know it... Including those who quietly wrote it for themselves :-)