FORTS: Inefficient Transaction Fee - page 4


Today, again, a penalty of RUB 61.1 for inefficient transactions was "pleased".

On that trading day, there were 2,111 transactions, with buy-sell

futures, which amounted to a fee of 37.5 rubles.

Question: Which formula does the exchange calculate if I "missed" the threshold of 1,389 transactions?

2000 - (2111 * 1 point - (37.5 * 40 points ) = 1389 free transactions left.

Michael, what futures were you trading?

Watch how they did.

If from the start of the day, there are no transactions, then ALL transactions will be inefficient:

x transactions - (0 * 40) is always greater than zero.

Even if you then make transactions, x-transactions - (0 * 40) is still greater than zero, i.e. an inefficient transaction.

Therefore, if transaction != transaction, then it will ALWAYS be inefficient.

In other words, you will always go over the threshold if you don't stop, and if you go over, penalty!

Why guess? There is an official formula, you have to stick to it.

I was charged at the beginning of this month, and the amount of the fee is not proportional to the number of transactions or the commission, I applied to Mos exchange to explain the formula, the official answer was this: The amount of commission multiplied by the number of transactions (if futures, 40) and all multiplied by the number of transactions, if the result is greater than the number of transactions, then no fee, if less then subtract from the number of transactions and multiply all this by 0.1. From here it follows that if you have 100 rubles of commission and 50 transactions, you have at least 200,000 free applications.

Now for some numbers.
19118 transactions 140 transactions 147.5 fee - 1452.13 fine
5032 transactions 66 transactions 128 fee - 266.09 fine
20366 transactions 91 transaction 163.5 fee - no penalty at all
16248 transactions 62 transactions 110 fee - 1273.38 penalty

As you can see, there is no logic. I asked my broker for clarification, no answer for more than a week! They say they are waiting for a response from Moscow. They say they are waiting for a reply from the Moscow Exchange. I got an answer from the Moscow Exchange within one day. The question remains open ... Also on request have not received a report from the exchange on transactions, but without it turns out that this is theft, they write off as many as they want, without providing an account.

(Tue Jun 23 201510:05 AM)

Analogue from another forum (can't remember which one), as you can see the problem is someone stealing.

Sergey Chalyshev:

Why bother? There is an official formula, you have to stick to it.

The analogue is from another forum (I don't remember which one), as you can see the problem is in the topic, someone is stealing.

Why isn't the tool specified anywhere? It's not just multiplication by 40!
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Why isn't the instrument listed anywhere? It's not just a multiplication by 40!

The instrument is not important. There is a difference for liquid and illiquid instruments. But in our case it makes no difference.

Although the MICEX is one big illiquid instrument. (IMHO).

I can't find the calculation formula anywhere, MICEX hides it carefully.

Sergey Chalyshev:

The instrument is not important. There is a difference for liquid and illiquid instruments. But in our case it makes no difference.

Although the MICEX is one big illiquid instrument. (IMHO).

I can't find the calculation formula anywhere, the MICEX keeps it carefully hidden.

I think you are mistaken. The instrument is important. In the formula, the parameter f (taken from the table (4th column).

And if Mikhail is actively trading the instrument MXI, which has a clearing fee of 0.3 (which is less than 1), respectively, and the ratio will not be 40, but 40*0.3 = 12 transactions per transaction.

Московская Биржа - Рынки - Тарифы
Участие в торгах на Срочном рынке ПАО Московская Биржа и регистрация в качестве Расчетной фирмы Взнос в Гарантийный фонд Биржевой и Клиринговый сборы Целевая программа "Активный клиент" Сбор за Транзакции Сбор за Календарные спреды Клиринговые тарифы Информационно-техническое обслуживание срочного рынка 1. Участие в торгах на Срочном рынке ПАО...
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Mikhail, which futures have you traded?
VTBR-12.15, SBPR-12.15 ED-12.15, Eu-12.15, SNGR-12.15
Alexey Kozitsyn:

I think you are wrong. The tool is important. In the formula the parameter f (taken from the table (4th column).

In the first post it is all explained, if you trade futuresthe score for a Transaction = 40.

There is no fee for options.

Since you are not a market maker - there is no other.

The commission for futures is different, so multiply this factor of 40 by it.

Alexey Kozitsyn.

You'll get the coefficient not 40, but 40*0.3 = 12 transactions per transaction.

Yes, that's right, that's how we calculate it.

p.s. please give me a normal link to the formula

Sergey Chalyshev:

Why guess? There is an official formula, you have to stick to it.

The analogue is from another forum (I don't remember which one), as you can see the problem is in the subject, someone is stealing.

You do not know what to do with it.

I have a specific situation (why link to another forum).

I will repeat once again:

1. What instruments to trade does not matter.

2. a transaction is considered ineffective if

Therefore up to the first transaction ALL transactions will be inefficient.

3. if there are few transactions - exchange commission is small, therefore all subsequent transactions will also be inefficient.

Therefore, if you do not make UUAH transactions, then you have to JUST count transactions up to 2000.

Sergey Chalyshev:

The first post explains it all, if you trade futuresthe score for a Transaction = 40.

There are no fees for options.

As you are not a market maker, there is no other.

The commission for futures is different, so you multiply this factor of 40 by it.

That's what I'm talking about. Look at the commission of the instruments Michael trades...

The ball for the trade is 40, no argument, but when multiplied by the commission, the number is less than 40 because the commission is less than 1!

VTBR-12.15, SBPR-12.15 ED-12.15, Eu-12.15, SNGR-12.15
The first two instruments have commission of 0.5 and 0.25, which means 20 and 10 transactions per trade.