Protecting the source code before compilation - page 9

Pavel Izosimov: our experience, some of the most highly skilled programmers tend to be among the hacking professionals.

I would put it another way (reversing the statement)...
I would say it differently (reversing the statement)...
You could flip it, the point is that you should never underestimate the capabilities of others and blindly rely on the fact that you are not beaten just because you don't know yet that you were beaten a long time ago.
Alain Verleyen:

(sorry I can't write Russian).

Alain, you will be comfortable to read this information in English here

Source code protection before compilation (test YPY Code Protector)
Source code protection before compilation (test YPY Code Protector)
  • 2015.10.19
  • Pavel Izosimov
Any developer very well knows how much time and effort is spent on independent development of an efficient algorithm and he has an unconditional right to defend it. We're sure, that many users faced...

Has anyone tried it, sent them the source code?

I tried, they sent an encrypted source, which compiled with errors.

sent it again, same thing came back with different names of variables and functions, but again with errors. )

Foolishly sent them same encrypted source code, they did the same thing and finally wrote that they could not encrypt it )))

Dear ...!
We can't process your request due to timeout issue. Please, contact support.
Best regards,

YPY Code Protector (beta)

144554595618628_future_protected.mq4 - after processing

144554595618629_future_protected.mq4 - what we had before processing, names of variables and functions are different

as it turned out, the logic is almost unaffected, strings are encrypted, variable names(change) and function names(change). The values of variables, which are in parameters, are put roughly in a four-dimensional array, and then the values from the array are used. Well, and unnecessary stuff is added (here in question, not really deepened).

all "encryption" in front of the original source logic, they did not encrypt the only user function, leaving its logic bare )


And where is the agreement with the user that you will not distribute his sources or use his algorithms at all?

What am I asking for, though?)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

And where is the agreement with the user that you will not distribute their source code or use their algorithms at all?

Although what am I asking )

Well, yeah, it's a very slippery service. It was clear from the beginning.

That's why the answers are like that:

Pavel Izosimov:

You can weigh whom and how you want, I'm even ready to be weightless, only your curiosity has nothing to do with the goals and objectives for which the topic of this thread was created.

Would have written quietly, but no, you wanted beta testers from the local community )

ps: I do not mind, let them write.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

And where is the agreement with the user that you will not distribute his sources or use his algorithms at all?

What am I asking for, though?)

The terms of testing are outlined in the first post
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Has anyone tried it, sent the source code to them?

I tried, they sent an encrypted source, which compiled with errors.

sent it again, same thing came back with different names of variables and functions, but again with errors. )

Foolishly sent them same encrypted source code, they did the same thing and finally wrote that they could not encrypt it )))

Dear ...!
We can't process your request due to timeout issue. Please, contact support.
Best regards,

YPY Code Protector (beta)

144554595618628_future_protected.mq4 - after processing

144554595618629_future_protected.mq4 - what we had before processing, the names of variables and functions are different

As it turns out, the logic is almost unaffected, strings are encrypted, variable names(change), function names(change). The values of variables, which are in parameters, are put roughly in a four-dimensional array, and then the values from the array are used. Well, and unnecessary stuff is added (here in question, not really deepened).

all "encryption" in front of the original source logic, they did not encrypt the only user function, leaving its logic bare )

The encryption algorithm is finalized and updated daily, all errors will be analyzed and removed!

The reason for the message that your request was not possible to execute you have stated correctly "foolishly sent them the encrypted source code", because in the first post it says"*Any source code you send *.mq4must be previously unencrypted .... You should pre-check this yourself."

Thank you for testing!

Pavel Izosimov:

The encryption algorithm is being finalised and updated daily, all errors will be analysed and eliminated!

The reason for receiving the message about the inability of your application you stated correctly "stupidly sent them their own encrypted source code", because in the first post it says"*Any source code sent *.mq4must be previously unencrypted .... You should pre-check this yourself."

Thank you for testing!

Didn't your basic foolproofing work? )

i.e. the algorithm began to encrypt, because it could not understand that it had received its work? )

A fool doesn't read the terms and conditions )

maybe a fool could learn to encrypt for you?

but then what use will be from you if every fool will encrypt source code himself? )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

(Have you not got a basic foolproofing system in place? )

i.e. the algorithm did start encrypting because it couldn't figure out what its job was? )

You don't have to worry about that, nobody started encrypting the already encrypted source code you sent by mistake.

Also don't worry about the test service itself, since it's temporary and its only purpose is to provide external access for testing the beta version of the encryption algorithm. It's far from the final product.