Protecting the source code before compilation - page 5

Pavel Izosimov:

....The first post states:

"Inthe future, having achieved a high percentage of compatibility of dynamic encryption with various codes, we plan to create a software product with a flexible and convenient built-in secure licensing system (use restrictions by time, account number, owner name, trade server, etc.) that the user can use on their own local computer to protect their source code without passing it on to anyone for this purpose. " ...

It's a false start.
It's like in the proverb: "The chicken is still in the nest, ......., and we've already got oil in the frying pan, about to fry some eggs".
It would make more sense to discuss the product when it is closer to the final state of readiness.
Vladimir Pastushak:

Why is the source code encrypted in the picture? The source code of standard indicator which is in every terminal...

Your method of protection is very doubtful, especially since you haven't attached a code example...

I want to see the encrypted source code of the standard muvin ...

Vladimir, good day!

There are some pictures in the first post:

Example 1. This is what the source code looks like before encryption (file attached)

original code

Example 2. This is what the source code looks like after dynamic encryption (the file is attached)

code protected

The MACD Sample primary standard source code files before encryption and after dynamic encryption are attached to the first post

Vladimir Pastushak:

I would like to see an encrypted source of the standard muving ...

Please. Attached is the original and encrypted source of the standard Moving Average.

Fighting the removal of trial and similar protections is relevant, as pieces of this code can be found even in the Nativa without too much trouble.

It is practically impossible to get to the trading logic. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the disclosure of trading algorithms of Expert Advisors. Reengineering (sometimes very useful) is possible only through the history of trades, nothing more.

So, it makes sense to use trash only for functions a la trial protection.

everything new is well forgotten old :

Защищайтесь, господа разработчики!
Защищайтесь, господа разработчики!
  • 2009.09.13
  • Sergey Kravchuk
Вопросы защиты своей интеллектуальной собственности все еще остаются большой проблемой. В статье описаны основные принципы защиты разработок на MQL4, используя которые можно если не совсем побороть воровство результатов многодневного труда разработчика злоумышленником, то, по крайней мере, настолько усложнить вору его "труд", чтобы ему просто не захотелось заниматься этим.
Rustamzhan Salidzhanov:

all new is well forgotten old :

Yes, this is a good article, there are others

At the end of the day, we create a comprehensive product that can be easily used by anyone, including those who do not have any special programming knowledge at all, e.g. when creating any strategy with a constructor, but the owner wants to seriously secure their code and the protections integrated into it.

I still don't understand why the source code needs to be encrypted?
I don't get it, what is the purpose of encrypting the source code?

More information on this in the first post

In brief, the purpose is"to protect the source code from unauthorised exploration, modification, renaming and resale".

Pavel Izosimov:

More information on this in the first post

In brief, the purpose is"to protect source code from unauthorised research, modification, renaming and resale".

I'm not giving it to anyone.
I don't give it to anyone
Do you practice using a VPS for trading?