FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1972

They're pissing your face in poo, but you can't get enough of it.

Yes, the poo pushers are strong...

Throw me a picture of you buying the pound, at least I'll save it for the future.


Yeah, the kakamokateli are strong...

Throw in a picture of the pound, at least I'll save it for the future

Tuesdays, he doesn't do charity work.

and I'm not asking him to.

I'm not asking for a tongue twister...

The main thing is not to tear off the clone's tongue...
Alexey Busygin:
Tuesdays, he doesn't do charity work.

Oh, you're beginning to get the hang of it.)

This one's a cinch, catch up.)

Oh, you're getting smart.)
Cause I'm telling you, it's a smart idea.
Alexey Busygin:
I'm telling you, it's a smart idea.

Smart thoughts come when you look at the bidding data and the non-sheik.... algorithms.

There are two clowns here who surprise each other by guessing the pips, instead of trading and making money.


Smart thoughts come when you look at the bidding data and the non-sheik.... algorithms.

There are two clowns here surprising each other by guessing the pips instead of trading and making money.

There's another millionaire over there...

so what's up with the pound? where are the buys in the picture?


another millionaire has emerged...

So what's up with the pound? Where's the bai in the picture?

Look at the pictures with Guru.
Pictures with the Teacher look at.

this and that...

businessmen from the background...



businessmen from the forte...

What's that? Didn't I show you a picture?

I don't intend to.

Other people would kiss their ass for a pound of 46, but you're all bent out of shape. No brains, but you got a lot of attitude.