FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 314


and another of the signs - the clowes below the high - sort of an indicator that there were sales -

Why would it be higher?

Not yes, but early, too, not until next week at the earliest.

Zogman, you won't see a thing in those pictures. You'd better listen to the Teacher.)

Anatoli Kazharski:

Not just vodka. In general, anything that contains poison and turns one into an idiot. It's hard to call the intoxicated state any other way. )))

Vodka is good (like any alcohol) because it can free your feeble brain of all its stupid prejudices, let the consciousness go free! You just have to do it right)) And if a man is an idiot by nature - there is nothing you can do - the effect is only intensified

One night, waking up hungover, Fedor was thirsty. Without turning on the light, he went into the kitchen, fumbled for a bottle on the shelf and began to drink. As he took his first sip, he realized that he had made a mistake and the bottle did not contain water, as he had assumed, but paraffin.

However, Fyodor had mastered Zen Buddhism with such force that he found the courage not to correct his mistake and calmly finished the bottle to the end.

This is a strong vestch)))
There was a story the other day. The big boys were sitting in an ambush.
They seemed to think that with such a purse, everything would be theirs)))
Knocked 'em the fuck out... so they didn't sit around they didn't sit tight...
...and started fucking up the traffic. They quickly took their losses and calmed down...
Moral - don't fuck around with any purse.)

Not yes, but early, too, not until next week at the earliest.

Zogman, you won't see a thing in those pictures. Listen to the teacher better)))

you can sell - 2020 (it's especially cool to sell 1020 before 08 eur - what a demand of today's youth!)

Snoop Dogg:
you better ask yourself - what is the difference between this candle and others like it? e.g. the fact that it is on hay? and what? it could have flown on safely. 50-50

have you read it?



So he hasn't gone anywhere in a week, haven't you noticed?))

Strange, i don't have a position on the moon or audi. but i do have a position - it's crap. i won't trade that shit on the strength.

you can sell - 2020

I'd like to hear from the adler.

what's the deal with sp? they raise the rate, the market crashes?

Snoop Dogg:
Vodka is good (like any alcohol) because it can free your meagre brain of all its stupid prejudices, let your mind go free!!! You just have to do it right)) If a person is an idiot by nature - there is nothing you can do about it - the effect only intensifies
There is only one correct way to do it. Do not drink at all and never. It's just business. And the producers need a crowd to milk, the longer the better. They don't drink that shit themselves. But they'll make nice advertisements about how they drink it too. ))