Arbitrage as it is. How and where? Implementation? - page 6

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
Don't sleep, I didn't sleep and you don't sleep.)
Didn't those sleepless nights go in vain? )) That's all that matters.

You said that in response to my message about fake pending orders and faster trade execution by another participant. Is there a problem here? Where exactly?
Daniil Stolnikov:
Didn't sleepless nights go to waste, did they? )) that's all that matters.

You said that in response to my message about fake put-away orders and faster trade execution by another participant. Is there a problem here? Where exactly?

you're going where it's all grabbed, looking for an open seat.

ZS: the best option is to make your own market (Market), there you will be the king and God).

it is in terms of arbitrage

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

you're breaking in where it's all grabbed, look for vacant seats.

I'm breaking in everywhere.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

You go where the action is, look for openings.

ZS: The surest option is to make your own market, there you will be king and God.

it's in terms of arbitrage

Something like your own kitchen? Well, it's not so easy )))
Daniil Stolnikov:
I go everywhere ))) it's more likely to fail somewhere

More likely to go bust everywhere)

This kind of business has a very expensive entry ticket.

Although, given that directional trading is unprofitable, the eagerness is right.

Виталий Кононюк:

More likely to go bust everywhere)

This kind of business has a very expensive entry ticket.

Although, given that directional trading is unprofitable, the zeal is right.

Who has it easy now? ))

directional means long-term trend following?

i think the zeal is right. or rather the direction. i rather be sure of winning than playing tarot cards))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Who has it easy now? ))

does it mean long term with a trend?

i think that the zeal is correct. or rather the direction. it is better to be sure of winning than to play the tarot))

Directional is when one thinks whether the price will rise or fall and tries to make money on this movement.

There are two other models of making money.

-portfolio, where the manager is confident that the market will rise (mostly monetary rationale), and focuses on what to buy more of (which stocks/bonds/oil...), they almost never sell.

-arbitrage, both buying and selling are done at once, it's all a question of choosing the right asset pair.

Basically buying the Eurobucks is arbitrage. You buy the EU against the US. The problem is that the factors by which the EU differs from the U.S. are long-term, and short trades in forex essentially turn into a guessing game (-minus the commission)

Виталий Кононюк:

Directional is when one thinks whether the price will rise or fall and tries to make money on this movement.

There are two other models of making money.

-portfolio, where the manager is confident that the market will rise (mostly monetary rationale), and focuses on what to buy more of (which stocks/bonds/oil...), they almost never sell.

-arbitrage, both buying and selling are done at once, it's all a question of choosing the right asset pair.

Basically buying the Eurobucks is arbitrage. You buy the EU against the US. The problem is that the factors on which the EU differs from the US are long term and short trades in forex become essentially a guessing game (-minus commission)

I wasn't talking about forex trading specifically. So far this is utopia. I meant stock trading. Even with some leverage - what leverage do they give maximal? Three? )) And as we know everything is fixed within one stock exchange - the same arbitrage. But we are talking about arbitrage BETWEEN stock exchanges. This is a bit different ... That's why I ask - maybe someone did something like this? And if so, how? Not just theory, but practice. You can assume anything. As the saying goes, "Fear not, do not.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Remember the scene in the matrix when Neo goes to see Pythia:

"Would you have broken the vase if I hadn't told you about it?"

ZS: I can see how long it's been since I asked a question like that, it was 3-5 years ago )

Sanyok, about 5 when you were on fours wondering about arbitrage between DCs.
Roman Shiredchenko:
Sanyok, about 5 when you on the 4 were interested in arbitrage between DCs.

First tried it on in 2010 (fast slow DC). This system worked for me about a month, my partner about 2-3 months (he started earlier). I have 100 quid on the account was not )

And interchange only this year. End of last year. )