Golden theme - page 4

izzatilla Ikramov:
nice table! Thank you!
the table is g.p.m. Do the math yourself - the ratios change depending on timeframe and sample size
you may have an intraday correlation of -0.8 and a weekly correlation of +0.8
the table is g.p.m. Do the math yourself - the coefficients change depending on the timeframe and sample size
Sometimes we don't notice the right things, it's ok. This is a useful table.
Let me tell you one important secret - all currencies are pegged to the dollar!!!
Daniil Stolnikov:
Let me tell you one most important secret - all currencies are pegged to the dollar!!!

Shhh. I know that you have no secrets for me and the members of our respected community, so I guess that's why you open the secret with a hint that everything would work and that only a select few would understand, without specifying what dollar everything is tied to - Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, Singaporean dollar:)

(Bahamian dollar, Barbados dollar, Belize dollar, Bermuda dollar, Brunei dollar, West Indies dollar, East Caribbean dollar, Hawaiian dollar, Guyana dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Zimbabwe dollar, Cayman dollar, Canadian dollar, Kiribati dollar, Liberian dollar, Malaysian and British Borneo dollar, Malay dollar, International dollar, Mongolian dollar, Namibian dollar, Niue dollar, New Zealand dollar, Newfoundland dollar, Cook Islands dollar, Pitcairn Islands dollar, Straits dollar, Rhodesian dollar, Sarawak dollar, North Borneo dollar, Singapore dollar, Solomon Islands dollar, US dollar, KSA dollar,Suriname dollar,Taiwan dollar,New Taiwan dollar,Trinidad and Tobago dollar,Tuvalu dollar,Fijian dollar,Jiao Zhou dollar,Ethiopian dollar,Jamaican dollar,Japanese occupation dollar)

Доллар — Википедия
Название произошло от слова «талер» (нем.  ). Впервые слово «доллар» (dollar) было использовано как название одной из разновидностей шотландских монет — «доллара с мечом» (англ.  ), монеты достоинством 30 шиллингов, чеканившейся между 1567 и 1571 годами[1]. Слово «доллар» также встречается в пьесе Вильяма Шекспира «Макбет» (начало XVII...
izzatilla Ikramov:

Shh. I know that you have no secrets for me and the members of our respected community, so you open the secret with a hint that everything would work and that only a select few would understand, without specifying to which dollar everything is tied - Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, Singapore dollar:)

(Bahamian dollar, Barbados dollar, Belize dollar, Bermuda dollar, Brunei dollar, West Indies dollar, East Caribbean dollar, Hawaiian dollar, Guyana dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Zimbabwe dollar, Cayman dollar, Canadian dollar, Kiribati dollar, Liberian dollar, Malaysian and British Borneo dollar, Malay dollar, International dollar, Mongolian dollar, Namibian dollar, Niue dollar, New Zealand dollar, Newfoundland dollar, Cook Islands dollar, Pitcairn Islands dollar, Straits dollar, Rhodesian dollar, Sarawak dollar, North Borneo dollar, Singapore dollar, Solomon Islands dollar, US dollar, KSA dollar,Suriname dollar,Taiwan dollar,New Taiwan dollar,Trinidad and Tobago dollar,Tuvalu dollar,Fijian dollar,Jiao Zhou dollar,Ethiopian dollar,Jamaican dollar,Japanese occupation dollar)

I hate to state the obvious )) I would like to specify - it is a unique, aboriginal currency to which all other currencies are pegged and which is used as a reference point for calculation of basic currency pairs. Do you understand what I mean? ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
I hate to state the obvious )) I would like to specify - it is a unique, aboriginal currency, to which all other currencies are pegged and which is used as a reference point for calculation of basic currency pairs. Do you understand what I mean? ))
No we don't. How is AUDNZD"pegged to the U.S. dollar"?
Daniil Stolnikov:
I hate to state the obvious )) I would like to explain, if I may say so - it is a unique, aboriginal currency, to which all other currencies are pegged and which is used as a reference point when calculating the major currency pairs. Do you understand what I mean? ))
I do, it's clear. I'm just curious to hear about other dollars in the same way, decided to share.
No, we don't. How is the AUDNZD currency pair "pegged to the US dollar"?
This is homework
izzatilla Ikramov:
I understand, it's clear. Just became curious about other dollars as well, thought I would share.
Didn't know there were so many types of dollars myself