Market theory - page 286

We are mathematicians, and our business is logic and analysis. So our strength is in calculations and algorithms.
Let's move on to analysing the FOREX market.
Alexander Ivanov:
Let's analyze the FOREX market further.

Before analysing it, I wanted to get a definitive understanding of the role of price in the profit-making process in the real market for goods and services. So far, I have identified 19 varieties of price which directly or indirectly influence the amount of final profit. Most of them are obvious and do not require long explanations, some of them I have managed to identify somehow and have thought of names for. With some of them I have difficulties in interpreting and unambiguously defining. As soon as I finally figure out their role and/or degree of influence on profit I will be able to sort out which of them works in Forex market as well. I thought that perhaps their discussion would take place in the discussion of a famous article on the subject, but it didn't. I will try to use advices of forum users in this case as far as possible. I will list the detected prices in order, then it will be possible to name them apart from the obvious ones:

P = Y*(1-d)/C2*(Ts2^2 - 2*C11*C2 + Ts12^2) is the profit formula in my interpretation.

C1 - the purchase price of goods;

Ts2 - the selling price;

C3 - the marginal selling price of goods;

price4 - increase in the purchase price due to variable costs;

d - the share of variable costs (Pper) in income;

Ts5 is the true purchase price (I have called it that so far);

Ts6 is the average market price, for a long time I called it "unknown price". So far I have settled on this name, but I am waiting for approval of the scientific community after I explain its role in profit formation.

Ts7 is the price of fixed costs (Ppost);

C8 - increase in the price of fixed costs due to variable costs - I have not yet come up with a name for it;

Ц9 - true price of fixed costs. There is no succinct name for it either.

Ts10- unknown price. It is awaiting a definition and name;

CG11 - market price;

Ts12-optimal selling price which allows to receive the maximum profit;

Ц13 - the first break-even point (selling price);

Ц14 - second break-even point (selling price);

Ц15 - First arithmetic mean price;

Ц16 - First geometric mean price;

Ц17 - Marginal purchase price above which it is impossible to make a profit in this market;

price18 - Second arithmetic mean price;

Ц19 - Second geometric mean price;

Hello Yusuf! Let's continue. Science is of interest.
Hey, Yusuf!
It's getting kind of stale.
How's your science stuff going? What's new?
Eurodoll - flat, equilibrium.
Euro-yen - up, demand a little bit there.

Movie about.....

Such a movie watched and five no one got wise ...Still the same buy sell)))
OK comedy, only it was more logical to assume the prankster would have slipped in a random photoshop graphic

What about today? )



EuroDoll - will go higher, possibly attempting to renew yesterday's high.

Demand for the pair is now above the equilibrium price.

(This is kind of a "smartass" hahaha, but I bought the pair myself as well)