Market theory - page 148


The idea itself is interesting, but it does not give a clear answer to the question of where the price will go and most importantly when. Price and time are not related.

Price will always go up or down at some point, and for profitable trading it is very important to know WHEN to go there.

... it is important to know not only when, but also how long it will last.
Dmitriy Skub:

The market, maybe it does count. But where is the accounting for the two constituents - speculative and non-speculative (let's call it that)? Do you think that elasticity is enough to account for?

You do realise that for the non-speculative part of the participants the price does not matter much (within reasonable limits), don't you?

Exactly, the parameters S and Y, changing in a wide range, up to negative values, take into account this fact. Whereas a competitive market is characterised by negative values of elasticity Y and positive values of elasticity S, in a monopoly market the opposite is true. All this is done at the expense of the ratio of the factors you mentioned. For example, due to this, a monopoly market reigned for 1 day on the Pound/Dollar pair.

The idea itself is interesting, but it does not give a clear answer to the question of where the price will go and most importantly when. Price and time are not related.

Price will always go up or down at some point, and for profitable trading it is very important to know WHEN to go there.

1. If you do not find the answer, where the price will go, you should carefully reread the branch from the beginning;

2. The question "when" cannot be answered within the framework of this theory, because it is not based on "time", but indirectly, by the pattern of levels movement in the price field, the time can be estimated.

3. In order to make a profitable trade, you must first evaluate the market condition. It turns out that the time factor is not important to the price movement, and you still want to bind everything to time, the old-fashioned way. I understand that psychologically it is difficult to imagine it, but we have to recognize this fact and we have to learn to bind our actions to the market condition, not to time.

Sergey Petruk:
... It is important to know not only when but for how long.
When we witness the description of long-term trends, you will get the answer to this question as well. In the meantime, the assumption is that if the Bears and Bulls levels are spread a considerable distance across the price field, the processes take longer, and when they are very close, as they are now, the changes in trends happen more often.
Alexander Laur:

Yusuf, so show in practice linking actions to market states.

Briefly outline what market states exist and what actions should accompany those states. Express the actions in terms of Buy, Sell, out of the market. And at least for a month, give your forecast at 00:00 MSK.

OK, though, I'm already bringing it in the comments. I will add the USD/JPY pair.
gold is going down - it's 1167 somewhere. It's clear that it will turn around and go up at some point...

Золото, сложилась ситуация, близкая к Евро/Доллару, Цена должна идти вверх. Здесь в облике Медведей действуют участники рынка, а в облике Быков - сам Рынок:

There are some similarities:

It remains to be seen which line is the lion
Alexander Ivanov:
On the EURUSD, the bears came in droves.

And the Lion drove them to meet the Bulls at 1.1152:

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

And the Lion chased them to meet the Bulls at the 1.1152 level:

Maybe, but in my pictures the BOYS hid in the bushes from the roar of the Bears. Sold to 1.1035 for now

There is a consolidation of the "market beasts". , for me it would be better to stand on sale with the bears. There is a lot of money in the market. I think it is not the bulls who have invested.

Therefore, a sharp drop in price becomes real.