Market theory - page 116


03-17 MSC 08 06 15. All congratulations in bulk! Market condition:

All levels are moving in parallel in a narrow range, no one wants to step back and increase the room for Price to move. The Market (P) is owned by the Bulls and the Price (C) by the Bears:


Maybe I should attach the Momentum indicator?
At 1.1350 it was just showing SELL, but I'm still refining the strategy and didn't believe in it right away.

I did not believe in it right away. Thanks!
When you are finally sure, we will come back to this question.

put the file out... although there didn't seem to be any error in recognition... maybe there was an error in 2010_11.

"Estimated by the algorithm, maximum virtual return of the market" - why is it in the negative zone ? because it should always be positive ?

This is true for a competitive market, but for a monopoly market it can also be negative, it turns out.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
This is true for a competitive market, but for a monopoly market it can also be negative, it turns out.
Then it is not maxVir income and the name is misleading.
How are "competitive and monopolistic markets" defined?
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

03-17 MSC 08 06 15. All congratulations in bulk! Market condition:

All levels are moving in parallel in a narrow range, no one wants to step back and increase the room for Price to move. The Market (P) is owned by the Bulls and the Price (C) by the Bears:

Which is more important - the Market or the Price?
Now to decide which way to open?

Thank you!
Then it is not max.virtual income and the name is misleading.
How are "competitive and monopoly market" defined?

If Y<0 and S>0 - competitive market;

If Y>0 and S< (=) 0 - monopoly market;

Examples are given in the discussion of market types above in numerous examples.

Which is more important - Market or Price ?
Now to make a decision - where to open ?

Thank you !

Price is the result of the actions of buyers and sellers; the Market is the market's response to those actions (so far). Price and the Market are two opposing sides and they are equally - paramount. It all depends on which side has Tsopt (Leo) and Tsr (Leopard), and whether Price is heading towards Ts1 or Ts2. As of this morning Price had a slight downward trend towards Ts1, but, the corridor was small. I will now analyze the state of the market and find out what is going on in it.

By 11:00 Price was bullish and the Market was bearish.

However, at 2:00 p.m., Price was bearish again and the Market was bullish:

By 14-30 everything is back again, there are intense consultations (meetings) of the sides at the Leo level where all levels have converged, a situation close to a Zugzwang when Price is very much squeezed by all levels:

The shot could be either way. There is no tangible advantage to either side. A very opportune moment for the monopolists to intervene, but, for now, they don't and the market remains competitive:

Here comes the expected shot at 14-50! On the hue of the shot:

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Price is the result of the actions of buyers and sellers; the Market is the market's response to those actions (so far). Price and the Market are two opposing sides and they are equally - paramount. It all depends on which side has Tsopt (Leo) and Tsr (Leopard), and whether Price is heading towards Ts1 or Ts2. As of this morning Price had a slight downward trend towards Ts1, but, the corridor was small. I will now analyze the state of the market and find out what is going on in it.

By 11:00 Price was bullish and the Market was bearish.

However, at 2:00 p.m., Price was bearish again and the Market was bullish:

By 14-30 everything is back again, there are intense consultations (meetings) of the sides at the Leo level where all levels have converged, a situation close to a Zugzwang when Price is very much squeezed by all levels:

The shot could be either way. There is no tangible advantage to either side. A very opportune moment for the monopolists to intervene, but, for now, they don't and the market remains competitive:

Here comes the expected shot at 14-50! On the hue of the shot:

Do I understand correctly that we have to sell?

Thank you!
Yeah... Looks like it's too early to sell.
Good move upwards. The bulls are clearly leading the market.
Thank you!

Do I understand correctly that we have to sell?

Thank you!
Price has taken the Bulls' image, how can you sell?