Market theory - page 110


Yousuf Envious people have always been and always will be.

The worry is another matter.

Sometimes the price is in a long horizontal drift. How will the system recognise this market condition?

At these moments the algorithm detects the greatest activity of opposing levels. I have repeatedly pointed out, and it can all be seen on the chart, how price shows the top of calm just at the moments of battle when its fate is being decided. It is a deceptive calm. It is a storm for deposits, when we gain a lot of positions and the price goes the wrong way. The algorithm saves in such cases. Regardless of the nature of the price movement, the algorithm always reveals the true state of the market. Pay attention to the actual price values and estimated values of virtual prices. The algorithm comes to the actual value of the price level with computer accuracy of 9 decimal places, and sometimes without errors, as pointed out by Wizard, and observe myself. Another interesting fact - observing the calculated profit curve, we notice that the market can allow parties to perform transactions with bid-ask differences within +- 1 or 2 points, and sometimes it is even forbidden to take a bribe for the exchange. The actual profit margins fluctuate between +- 2 and 5 pips and are sometimes 10 pips or more, with a bias towards selling or buying. That is why there is tension in the market because of the huge turnover.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

This mode is recommended to us by the moderators and due to the fact that the participant, in harsh form. pointed it out:

neval 2015.06.03 20:52 RU
I cannot understand one thing - Sultunov, why do you need all this? You have a grail (well, almost), so sit quietly, quietly and earn millions... while you are making a collective farm here - some excuses to others and pampering.... I think I know how it will all end - nothing... You are making a show here... You are a showman with attention deficit.... remember how your previous show ended up on the regression model???? Also - NOTHING.... If that's not the case, come on, stop the rant.... give us real signals with SL and TP and we'll check your system...
Yusuf, do your job, and do not pay attention to sneaky mutts yapping around the corner, who only know how to crap and nothing more.
Олег avtomat:
Yusuf, do your job, and do not pay attention to the sneaky mutts yapping around the corner, who can only crap and nothing more.
Thank you, Oleg, moreover, an article will soon be published, and traders, gradually, as the essence of formulas for assessing the maximum virtual income S (ultonov) and the market elasticity Y (ousufkhodja) by mathematically perfect ratios are developed, will possess an algorithm that will eliminate the avalanche-like attack of traders in the market, including very large, like banks, funds and other participants. Now the market is ruled by a bunch of monopolists that rudely interfere with its mechanism, organizing entry and exit in the specified by me clever way. And the gradual entry of successful traders into the market cannot hurt it, the market will find or develop a mechanism of protection, perhaps they will become an antidote to the arbitrariness of monopolists - their attempt to interfere in the competitive market will receive a harsh rebuff in the form of huge losses from which they will not be able to recover.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
At these moments, the algorithm detects the most activity of opposing levels. I have repeatedly pointed out, and it can all be seen on the chart, how price shows the peak of calm just at the moments of battles, when its fate is being decided. It is a deceptive calm. It is a storm for deposits, when we gain a lot of positions and the price goes the wrong way. The algorithm saves in such cases. Regardless of the nature of the price movement, the algorithm always reveals the true state of the market. Pay attention to the actual price values and estimated values of virtual prices. The algorithm comes to the actual value of the price level with computer accuracy of 9 decimal places, and sometimes without errors, as pointed out by Wizard, and observe myself. Another interesting fact - observing the calculated profit curve, we notice that the market can allow parties to perform transactions with bid-ask differences within +- 1 or 2 points, and sometimes it is even forbidden to take a bribe for the exchange. The actual profit margins fluctuate between +- 2 and 5 pips and are sometimes 10 pips or more, with a bias towards selling or buying. That is why there is tension in the market because of the huge turnover.

Still don't understand how you can correlate trading on the daly with dribbling at 1-10 p? Explain.

Or do we still switch to analysis on the minute chart?

Your words that 20 bars are used to calculate. Hence the question.


Do you have any idea what the indicator will look like? I'm not very good at programming.

Sergey Petruk:

Do you have an indicator coming? I'm not very good at programming.

Don't pretend.

You could help a man out.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
And gradual entry of successful traders into the market cannot hurt it, the market will find or develop a protection mechanism.
Yusuf, you are right in this - "the market will find or develop a protection mechanism". But the point is not in your strategy, but in the fact that there are many solutions to this rather complex problem, and these solutions may be built on other market patterns, different from yours, such as counter-trend strategies, i.e. in evaluation of ALL strategies your strategy will not stand out strongly from other profitable strategies...

Still don't understand how you can correlate trading on the dailies with dribbling at 1-10 p? Explain.

Or do we still switch to analysis on the minute chart?

Your words that 20 bars are used to calculate. Hence the question.

This question needs to be studied further. I accidentally chose TF D1 and a period of 20 bars D1. It is possible that the algorithm does not care about both TF and period. Then we leave everything as it is and have the possibility to rage at every tick of the price. When the indicator appears, we will try to use minute data, of course, now I do not have time to process minute data - calculation takes 3 minutes, not due to the calculations themselves, they are performed very quickly, without delays, but due to the fact that we must copy the current results and add them to the previous ones, to obtain a chart without re-drawing.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
This is an issue that needs to be investigated further. I accidentally chose TF D1 and a period of 20 bars D1. It is possible that the algorithm does not care about both TF and period. Then we leave everything as it is and have the possibility to rage at every price tick. When the indicator appears, we will try to use minute data, of course, I do not have enough time now to process minute data - calculation takes 3 minutes, not due to calculation itself (it is performed in lightning speed, without delay), but due to the fact that we must copy the current results and add them to the previous ones to obtain a chart without refreshes.
Now it is clear.

Don't pretend.

You should help the man.

What's with the habit of interfering in conversation, you little brat.