Market theory - page 9

Also offer to pray)))

Na... Just paste the calculated data here -

For eurusd1

Ц1 = 0,8938
Ц2 = 0,9648
Cr = 0.9293
Cr = 0.9286
Cp = 0.8938
DTF = 0.9648
For eurusd2

Ц1 = 0,9238
Ц2 = 0,9645
Cr = 0.9442
TSopt = 0.9449
Cp = 0.9645
Cf = 0.9238
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:



To write an indicator you need formulas. Even if it is the phase of the moon in the constellation of Alpha Centauri. Without the formulas, it's just a load of fluff.

I absolutely agree. So, let's wait for the author to give us some clearer instructions.

You can program him whatever he wants, I don't mind. He likes to get everything done for free and then he develops scientific activities and starts selling signals to newbies for a fee...

Oh, come on. I'm doing for free only where I myself see the prospects. So far I don't see any. I see some charts and vague assurances of "understanding the essence of the market". There is no data for making an indicator. Waiting...
George Merts:

Absolutely agree. So let's wait for the author to give us some clearer instructions.

Oh, come on. I'm only doing things for free where I can see an opportunity. So far, I don't see any. I see some charts and vague assurances of "understanding the essence of the market". There is no data for making an indicator. We wait...
Promise him to make an indicator and he will give you the formulas in excel.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
So far no one has presented me with better results than my indicator achieves in a certain period of time. Still, no one believes him. But, that is their problem. Time will put everything in its place.

Have you not looked hard enough, or do you need it on a silver platter?

Well here is a link to my indicator and the results of my TS based on it

Is it better or worse? I have only to understand the concept of how an indicator may be worse/better than another. As an example, explain why the SMA is worse/ better than the EMA?

About the trading system based on the indicator, everything is clear, in one and the same time interval brought more profit .... but an indicator ? how can it be better/different than another ?

Z.I. Once again you are twisting the cards and creating a false impression among young forum participants that your theories are exceptional .... Although no, they are indeed exceptional and unique, except that they are not yet profitable. As Zhvanetsky said "Maybe something needs to be adjusted in the conservatory? :-))"

Сделал я как-то такую штуку ... - MQL4 форум
Сделал я как-то такую штуку ... - MQL4 форум

PFFFFFFFF...that's really out of line...

PS. How do you even count something in excel, if you do not even vkursse that copy and paste can not only cells with formulas, but only the values themselves. Copying a column, you paste, the icon appears, click on it and select the item-paste values only. Ask how to stretch a formula with an X.

The grail keeps getting steeper and steeper...

I have fit the whole indicator into 17 columns in eksel, but I'm not familiar with this option. I don't think I'm inferior to anyone in exel programming, but I may not be familiar with some functions.


Here are the charts themselves:

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
I fit the whole indicator into 17 columns in exel, but I'm not familiar with this option. I don't think I'm inferior to anyone in exel programming, but I may not be familiar with some functions.

So, you can't copy only cell values without formulas??????

It's like the indices measure more by the number of lines of code, but in columns...

If, of course, neither macros nor wba were used, then it may be possible to measure columns somehow. But you yourself mentioned programming and that you're great at it.

And if you're a super, then I don't understand why you need 17 columns, you can do everything in codes and cram the summary into a single column...

And then, with such a high level of programming in vba, I do not understand what the difficulty in learning mkl, Tea not novice in programming (not from scratch), if you really think that you are for your tasks suitable mkl.

One questions, not even so much to the same dubious theory, as to the near-floating moments of trying to get interested in it...

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Here are the charts themselves:

I don't need graphs... I'll just pick up the formulas later for fun...

1. Is only Close used to calculate it ? or is it an ochlc ?

2.All 15 lines ?

Ivan Vagin:
Why are you attacking the man?
just for the sake of shitting
Your critical snot is all over this forum.
Let him write, leave him alone, let him formulate his thoughts in peace.

It's an appeal to all keyboard critics.
Well done Ivan, at least you defended Sultonov with his market views. Let the man write and analyze. The main thing is the process of finding the grail:)))