Market theory - page 6


You are wrong to want the theory to have an immediate impact in practice. Only then does it make sense to discuss it.

I quoted Rutherford to prove that theorists themselves do not always understand whether their research will be used for practical purposes.

Well, that is, the author of the thread is simply suggesting that his "purely theoretical findings" should be evaluated without their application in practice ? I think it would be better to go to the economists' forum rather than here.

Personally, I would still like to see at least some practical conclusions.

Alexander Laur:

What am I wrong about?

That: "1. Theory is created to understand the processes occurring in the object under study."? From your cited phrase "... Our interest in this problem is purely scientific", it follows that scientists study "transformations of atoms" in order to understand the processes occurring during these transformations. In other words, they create a theory describing processes of transformation of atoms.

Or maybe my misconception is that: "2. understanding is needed to predict the behaviour of the object under study in the future, i.e. predicting behaviour."? So if we stay within the framework of atomic physics, the construction of the "Large Hadron Collider" was the purpose - to test ideas and theories.

Your statement about theoretical physicists: "Theoretical physicists develop their theories and do not think whether it will ever be used in practice or not" is far from the truth. They are engaged in knowledge of surrounding world, and knowledge is applied in practice. For example, the splitting of the atomic nucleus was put into practice in the atomic bomb!

The state of the economy was so low that there was no ordinary profit formula suitable to describe all kinds of markets. They were limited to verbal descriptions of market characteristics. This bacchanalia has come to an end.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Forgiving you excessive aggressiveness, I answer, the optimal price is:

1. At the Institute of Economics and Trade of the Tajik State University of Commerce. We can enroll you as a privileged student.

1. I kept silent about Cauchy in order not to expose your ignorance in this area, even a fifth-grader knows that, it's easy to transform Cauchy inequality into Cauchy difference, as one of the participants already pointed out.

3.. The only true price that ensures maximum profit for a participant in a normal (competitive) market and minimum loss for a participant in a monopolistic market. So, monopolists have an opportunity to minimise their losses when selling off goods.

OK. Okay. Let's start in reverse order.

3. I am an air seller (monopolist). How much is a breath of that air going to cost you ? Another situation, everyone can sell air (competitive market) how much would a sip of air cost ?
So it's not one "only right price", but at least a range from 0 to infinity .... so learn the math.

2. As I recall, I gave you a link to enlighten you about Cauchy's inequality. I'll repeat it here as well

here's the direct link.

If it's the same, then FYI Cauchy's inequality was proven long before you were born, and there's no need to claim credit for it. Especially since you simply stated (wrote on the fence) that

There wouldn't be anything special about this difference, if I hadn't managed to prove (I'll soon devote an article to this subject, if the theme is approved), that this very difference determines the pulse of the market of goods and services, in particular, the maximum profit, the optimal selling price of the goods, the ultimate buying price, the excess of which makes it impossible to reach a profit under any circumstances, the ultimate levels of variable and fixed costs, the degree of competition and parameters of optimal trade, the market price that has been set, the market collapse to one then

I have not brought any proof, only a bare statement (which you managed to prove) + I would like to draw your attention (in case you haven't noticed too), there is not a single letter in this inequality, which corresponds to the terms you have voiced. Maybe your fingers show (aging bad see), where in Cauchy inequality is for example the optimal price?

1. Thanks for the offer to become a student at a Tajik university. But I do not think that it will interest a former professor, head of the department, the last place of work was Moscow's Zhukovsky Academy and the author of over a hundred scientific papers and inventions, some patents have worldwide recognition ...

So you should take care in the future not to take the credit for other scientists and speak in layman's terms (scientific imagination). Let's see the formulas.

Неравенство Коши
Неравенство Коши
Поэтому, пришла мысль попробовать выявлять ее роль и на рынке Форекс. - - Категория: общее обсуждение
George Merts:

So, the author is simply suggesting that his "purely theoretical findings" should be assessed without applying them in practice? I think it would be better to go to the economists' forum rather than here.

Personally, I would still like to see at least some practical conclusions.

The author of the thread assumes that the result of the theory will be an indicator. But be patient, don't try to rewind the film from the end).
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Let them check it, and as soon as they find out that it is based on AC 1035571 "Flow Regulator", which was demonstrated at VDNKh as the best achievement of science and technology of the USSR, they will calm down and ask for forgiveness from me, because Russia is still selling the patent for my invention. And I have received the maximum possible reward; how dare you?

Far from weak.

More credit to me than the flow regulator :-) You should read carefully what you are told. You are an engineer, no question. If you are a Ph.D. your pearls 100% can serve as a basis for the dissertation check because a Ph.D. cannot afford such illiteracy in economic terms and their free interpretation ...

Alexander Laur:
Of course there is a need for a practical return on the starter's theory. Since we are not at a pure science conference, but at an algotrading website. Where practicing traders and programmers hang out. Here people are interested in the practical application of their ideas, theories, etc.
Practical use will be in the creation of "Level Indicator", in the light of which I expect a response from programmers. Everything is ready in exel version.

Far from weak.

More credit to me than the flow regulator :-) You should read carefully what you are told. You are an engineer, no question. If you were a c.e.s. your pearls 100% may be the basis for dissertation examination, because c.e.s. cannot afford such illiteracy in economic terms and their free interpretation...

I am a Ph.D., I cannot calmly watch how the Ph.D. and the D.E.D. do not understand their craft. Dear me Prival, your unsubstantiated attacks only harm the process of discussion of the topic of the thread, I am sorry.
The author of the thread assumes that the result of the theory will be an indicator. But be patient, don't try to scroll through the film from the end).
Quite right, I am waiting for feedback from powerful programmers, first among those who worked with me in the days of the Sultonov Indicator.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

1. there C1 and Cpr have merged into a single line, as their difference cannot be seen on the scale of the graph.

Post 2-3 files... Eurobucks-weeks for example txt or csv... like -

number of sides used for calculation

Separators of any kind...if OHLC is used rather than cloz for calculations then OHLC as well...
let's see...
Post 2-3 files... Eurobucks-weeks for example txt or csv... like -

number of sides used for calculation +1

Separators of any kind...if OHLC is used rather than cloz for calculations then OHLC as well...
let's see...
Please. provide any exel-compatible data, I will instantly process and give a verdict for any period.