FORTS: OnTradeTransaction() return codes - page 8


AfterOrderSend() too, the terminal doesn't see the new order for a moment. This problem is a hundred years old. It is unlikely to be fixed.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

After OrderSend() too, the terminal doesn't see the new order for a moment. This problem is a hundred years old. It is unlikely to be fixed.

And even the order statuses won't help?
Alexey Kozitsyn:
And even warrant statuses won't help?
I don't know, haven't looked at it, haven't tried it. I solved the problem by checking the list of orders. It seems to be the only guaranteed way and the easiest.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
I don't know, haven't looked at it, haven't tried it. I solved the problem by checking the list of orders. It seems to be the only guaranteed way and the easiest.
You may try it. After the order has been sent, its status first becomesORDER_STATE_REQUEST_ADD (in the registration state), and thenORDER_STATE_PLACED (the order has been accepted). After that, the order is probably available from the terminal. This may not be the easiest way, but I think it is the fastest.
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Try this. After the order has been sent, its status first becomesORDER_STATE_REQUEST_ADD (in registration state) and thenORDER_STATE_PLACED (the order is accepted). After that, the order is likely to be available from the terminal. This may not be the easiest way, but I think it is the fastest.


There is an obvious error in the terminal where theORDER_STATE_STARTED order status "hangs".

And here is incontrovertible proof(20 seconds of "freezing"):

2015.11.26 13:11:23.281 Trades  'xxxxx': buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002
2015.11.26 13:11:23.290 Trades  'xxxxx': buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002 placed for execution in 9 ms
2015.11.26 13:11:24.538 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:24.562 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:24.630 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:24.716 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:24.959 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:25.927 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:27.139 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:27.249 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:27.447 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:27.458 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:27.900 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:27.978 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:28.063 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:28.612 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:29.139 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:29.189 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:29.733 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:29.791 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:31.778 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:31.867 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:31.959 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:32.057 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:33.256 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:33.657 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:33.917 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:35.970 Trades  'xxxxx': failed cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002.00000 [Invalid request]
2015.11.26 13:11:43.743 Trades  'xxxxx': cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002
2015.11.26 13:11:43.754 Trades  'xxxxx': cancel order #24033217 buy limit 3.00 TRNF-3.16 at 155002 placed for execution in 10 ms

Forget what I wrote above.

I got a reply from servicedesk (I will not publish it).

In short, having a ticket does not at all mean that the order has been placed on the exchange.


Forget what I wrote above.

I got a reply from servicedesk (I will not publish it).

In short, having a ticket does not at all mean that the order has been placed on the exchange.

How do I do this? I can get an answer from Service Desk if you don't mind...
Developers, please give sensible advice on the issues raised.


There is an obvious error in the terminal where theORDER_STATE_STARTED order status "hangs".

And here is incontrovertible evidence(20 seconds of "freezing"):

Does this mean that the developers are cheating?

The order is being kicked backfor 20 seconds, and then they write that the request is executed for 10 seconds?

I don't believe it, you have to look at the code.

Sergey Chalyshev:

Are the developers cheating?

The order is kicked backfor 20 seconds, and then they write that the request is fulfilled in 10 seconds?

I don't believe it. You have to look at the code.

You don't get it.

The server didn't send us the order PLASED for 20 seconds.