a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 201

Interesting coincidence 2001 post on page 101! :))))))
Congratulations to you all! :)
<br/ translate="no"> Alex:
eugenk does Hearst trading bring any positive results?
If so, please tell me who has positive balance in at least one month of trading using this method
If not, pardon the expression, why "poke around" and inflate the issue? :))))
Maybe I do not understand something? Maybe the direction I have chosen is wrong!
Somebody explain it to me please: )))))))))))))

Hi Alex. I remember that you started this thread, but you shouldn't play the role of a "gendarme". If you are not interested in the subject, why are you pushing it? You'll drive everyone away and who will you show your achievements to? :o))) just kidding, no offense.
If I am not mistaken, on the basis of Hurst strategy works for Vladislava, so it was built by Solandr, perhaps someone else. At the moment I am completing its construction, taking into account my own research and knowledge about its work. I can "boast" of my achievements, or rather remind you (I wrote about it earlier), that I've managed to earn some money using only Hurst's index. We "mussed" (as you elegantly put it) about this theme in your absence, if you look through the history you will find everything.

Thanks for the congratulations, and Merry Christmas to you too.
<br / translate="no">Alex Niroba
solandr about the %, I think it was Jonny who asked about it, but he is nowhere to be found :)))

Not gone ... I'm here, here... I was away for a while...
Alex, hi ! You have already been answered quite comprehensively. Just read this immense thread from the beginning. I would like to add a little bit from my own side. As a way of earning I'm now studying something else entirely - portfolios and ways to bring them out of flat. And Hearst... Well it's just that I've been a bit moved by the beautiful maths since I was a kid. And when I see this same maths in a thread at the service of a man, and this man generously shares his methods, it really makes me want to join in :)

Merry Christmas to all ! :)

Alex Niroba
solandr по поводу %-тов, помоему интересовался ДЖОНИ, но он куда-то пропал :)))

I'm not missing... I'm here, I'm here... I've been away for a while...

Jhonny sincerely glad to have you back in the fold :)))))))))

eugenk разве торговля по Хёрсту приносит какие-нибудь положительные результаты?
Если да, то прошу отозваться тех кто применяя данную методу имеет положительный баланс
как минимум за месяц торговли.
Если нет, то, извиняюсь за выражение, зачем "мусолить" и раздувать данную тему? :))))
Может я чего-то не понимаю? Может выбранное направление ошибочно?!
Кто-нить обЪясните мне плиз:)))))))))))))

Hi Alex. I remember that you started this thread, but you shouldn't act as a "gendarme". If you're not interested in the subject, why squash it? You'll drive everyone away and who will you show your achievements to? :o))) just kidding, no offense.
If I am not mistaken, on the basis of Hurst strategy works for Vladislava, so it was built by Solandr, perhaps someone else. At the moment I am completing its construction, taking into account my own research and knowledge about its work. I can "boast" of my achievements, or rather remind you (I wrote about it earlier), that I've managed to earn some money using only Hurst's index. We "mussed" (as you elegantly put it) about this theme in your absence, if you look through the history you will find everything.

Thanks for the congratulations, and Merry Christmas to you too.

I haven't read anything on Hearst, just as you probably haven't on Wave Theory.
Maybe it's better to have a bird in the hand than a crane in the sky. ;)
That's why I wanted to know about the hidden potential of Hearst.
Maybe we are talking about the same elephant, only I hold it by the trunk and you by the tail, or vice versa :)))))

Can you briefly summarise the Hearst method?

Or would you rather ask a guru?
Haven't you seen him for a while? :))))))
Vladislav, do you still look at this thread?
Alex, if you haven't read anything about the Hearst index, then why suggest that this topic should be quashed? :о) As for the wave theory you are mistaken, I have read about it almost everything I have found. Moreover, this indicator complements the wave theory very well and perhaps I will soon publish the results of my researches. I had stated the essence of my method using Hearst's exponent (the exponent itself is not a method yet) and I don't want to rewrite everything (it took me several pages). You may apply to Valadislav, especially as I calculate and use this parameter in a slightly different way. :о)))

Alex Niroba
solandr по поводу %-тов, помоему интересовался ДЖОНИ, но он куда-то пропал :)))

I'm not missing... I'm here, I'm here... I've been away for a while...

We all understood that I was "gone". The result is not clear. How did it go, Eugene, did it go?

Alex Niroba
solandr по поводу %-тов, помоему интересовался ДЖОНИ, но он куда-то пропал :)))

Да не пропал... тут я, тут... отходил не надолго...

The fact that it "backfired" we all understood. The result is not clear. How did it go, Eugene, did it go?

Hi Yuri! It all depends on how many approaches were made. :о)))
Hi Sergei ! Merry Christmas !