a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 162

Niroba How would you react to your own post if instead of the system potential theory, it implies the wave theory you use?

Grasn, I would treat it the same way I'm treating it now! What's the problem?
Let's rejoice together in your discovery of a new
method of forecasting, the system potential method!!! :)
<br / translate="no"> I'll treat it like it is now! What's the problem?
Let's rejoice together in your discovery of a new
method of forecasting, the system potential method!!! :)

It's not new at all, and it wasn't discovered by me. But I won't object, Niroba rejoice for me as much as you like. Still, it's nice to know that there are such people who are ready to rejoice and be happy. I suppose you are still rejoicing over the EWT you discovered three years ago?
Yes it's not new at all, and it wasn't discovered by me. But I won't disagree, Niroba be happy for me as much as you like. Still, it's nice to know that there are such people who are ready to rejoice and rejoice. I suppose you are still rejoicing over the EWT you discovered three years ago?

Ah yes, grasn, sorry !!! you didn't discover it, you just HATED it !!! forgive me !!! :)

But happy for you anyway !!! :) Did it make you feel better?!!! :) woohoo?!

Yes, you're right, I haven't regretted studying EWT for three years yet.
It would be strange to the contrary if I still studied it and wasn't happy about it :)
I have been reading your thread for a long time. Very interesting!
Totally agree with those who think that here, problem solving is much more important than ready answers +)
I have been reading your thread for a long time. Very interesting! <br / translate="no"> Totally agree with those who think that here, problem solving is much more important than ready answers +)

Who's arguing with that? :)
<br / translate="no"> Ah, yes, grasn, sorry!!! you didn't open it, you just NEEDED it !!! forgive me!!! :)

niroba, read carefully my posts (at least this one: grasn 01.11.06 12:25), I immediately and honestly confessed to it, if it will satisfy your ego, and nowhere said that I discovered it. It was you who for some reason began to assert it. Here is a quote from my post:

I, for example, am now more interested in the Systemic Potential Method, which I "dug up" on the internet and want to use.

Although I'm not surprised at your ability to interpret posts in your own way.

Ах, да, grasn, извините!!! вы не открыли, а просто НАРЫЛИ !!! простите меня!!! :)

niroba, read carefully my posts (at least this one: grasn 01.11.06 12:25), I at once and honestly admitted it, if it will satisfy your self-esteem, and I never said that I discovered it. It was you who for some reason began to assert it. Here is a quote from my post:

I, for example, am now more interested in the Systemic Potential Method, which I 'found' on the internet and want to use.

Although I'm not surprised at your ability to interpret posts in your own way.

grasn, stop making excuses!!! "I honestly confessed" :)
Answer me, please, what is the difference between your saying I "fumbled",
and my repetition of YOU "found it"? :)
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something :-)
What are you niroba! Such an understanding interlocutor is hard to find on the Internet. I simply wanted to correct the mistake you made earlier, attributing the discovery to me, by the way, of a very interesting method.
Alex Niroba

I've been following your comments for quite a long time.
And I do have the feeling that yes, you are arguing. And more and more aggressively.
For example, a few posts ago solandr suggested that you should elaborate on your methodology.
To tell it, so to speak, "in pictures".
What was the result? The result is not good.
You, once again, took his words as a "hit" on your progressive thoughts +(,
and once again failed to show the details of your "solution".
On the contrary, you have begun to escalate the situation further.
