a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 144

A few years ago we had books from the Magic Eye series on sale. In front of me right now is Visible Beyond, 1995 edition, with three-dimensional pictures by Tom Bacci. Before encountering this book, I had no idea how I could see, how one could see reality at all. And then, after a few minutes of practice, I saw a three-dimensional image in a two-dimensional drawing. It amazed me immensely. Especially the fact that I didn't know about such a human ability, that one could draw like that for a human being.
Elliott's theory is the same "magic eye" for seeing the market. All it takes is a manual and a few minutes of practice :-)))
Copernicus once replaced the geocentric construction of the solar system with a heliocentric one. This was a huge step forward which allowed astronomers to understand the movements of the planets in the sky and a host of other astronomical details. They could even calculate and predict some things. However, not everything worked out as calculated. So in order to get the predictions to match the experiment, astronomers began to produce complex systems. Not just a circular orbit, but a circular orbit whose centre moves in a circular orbit... Bicycles, tricycles and so on.

And all this was required because there was simply no more accurate theory. As soon as Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation, it became clear that the planets orbit the Sun not in circular, but in elliptical orbits. Polycyclic systems fell apart like a house of cards and everything fell into place.

This marvellous classification of the patterns which Alex has given reminds me very much of a polycycle story in its complexity, depth, unformalizability and incomprehensibility in the head. Alex, everything brilliant is simple. What we cannot say about the construction you have outlined. It lacks one thing, a set of fundamental principles from which both qualitative and quantitative conclusions can be drawn.

I don't mean to criticize your post, but I can't disagree with Begun. From my point of view there is only one fundamental principle in EWT - what Begun identified as 1) - the recognition of the fractal structure of the market. But not only has EWT failed to get anything constructive out of it, it hasn't even been able to maintain it. Otherwise it wouldn't have clung so tenaciously to the 5-3 pattern.

Alex, I suggest you do some simple research. Take a fairly large piece of history, break it into waves of a shallow structure (at least using the zigzag, with which you are already familiar), form from it the waves of a larger structure. As a result, you will get the trend sections. And then just count the percentage of times you get a pattern of 5 waves up - 3 waves down, or vice versa. I promise you will be disappointed.
2 Gorillych
Elliott's theory is the same "magic eye" for market vision. All it takes is an instruction manual and a few minutes of practice

I don't know what everyone is forgetting, but you are definitely forgetting that the controversy here is around the question of a theory that is capable of predicting the market with a certain level of certainty. If there is such a theory, humans are not needed and the whole prediction procedure can be algorithmized and programmed. That is exactly what Alex is trying to do.

And you, as far as I understand it, don't need it. Thanks to EWT you now have magic eye and using it you can successfully trade hands. That's great, but it doesn't mean that EWT is a theory. It just means that for you, EWT has served as the catalyst that opens the way to intuition, to vision. And others need coffee grounds, cards, a lump of sugar or whatever .... Believe me, there is not the slightest bit of irony here. Human capabilities are still unexplored and it does not matter at all what opens the way for their manifestation.

But on the subject of EWT you still haven't managed to argue in any meaningful way.
<br / translate="no"> I don't know what everyone is forgetting, but you are definitely forgetting that the controversy here is around the question of a theory that can predict the market with a certain level of certainty. If there is such a theory, humans are not needed and the whole prediction procedure can be algorithmized and programmed. Which is what Alex is trying to do.

Here we go... Someone knows more about you (me) than I do :-(
I am again being told that I have forgotten something...
It's like that joke again: "Do you believe your eyes more than me?" :-)
Maybe a person would come in handy at least to algorithmize and prahromize?
I can even imagine how to do it. Even told you a little. But to show and prove ... I'm sorry. As one well-known programmer here says - "go on your own". Even look for books - by yourself!
If Eliotists were the vast majority of speculators, then I would work in terms of this theory. For in this case it would be very probable to assume that the crowd would behave the same in typical EWT situations. But fortunately or unfortunately :) literate people can be found among speculators quite often :)
Here we go... again someone knows more about you (me) than I do :-( <br / translate="no"> Again it is pointed out to me that I forgot something...

Oh dearie me, it's entirely your prerogative to point out things to others.

Even told you a little. But to show and prove... I'm sorry.

And the key word in this statement is obviously "a little". Indeed, you've said very little here.
However, it's our fault. We didn't ask you to show us anything. All the more to prove it.
This polemic is just an exchange of opinions. No one is proving anything to anyone. There is no need.
So rest easy, you are dismissed (I mean you are free to keep your IMHO to yourself).
Thanks Alex. As I thought, you failed to give the key points of EWT, you copied a lot <br/ translate="no"> and finally advised me to read the right books.

I've described the theory in general terms, as you've asked, please take it from there.
I can't write better than in the book, that's why I sent you to the relevant literature.

Once again, you don't need to re-create the bicycle to make a discovery...
I mean that theory alone is not enough for successful trading!
I gave an example of an aeroplane that needs two small parts - flaps - for it to take off.
Prior to this discovery was created a huge number of machines that could not take off, ie essentially useless!

To make something "work" you do not need to come up with a whole theory,
it should be finalized and only after that "updated", already your "creation" will begin to bring dividends.

My opinion: The main purpose of using any theory in the market is to make a profit.

Dear Begun, that's probably the only thing I agree with.

In relation to the above, please Alex, give me an example of something from EWT that allows you to predict movement with > 50% probability and that something happens at least 30 times :)

I have previously posted a Statment with manual trading results as an example.

You probably understand that I'm not going to prove anything to anyone.
I just do not see the point.

Why? You've been explained, do you need more proof? What for? Thirty times? <br / translate="no"> Unless you check something yourself and believe something, proving it to you makes no sense!
Everything I have written you can find and check yourself, but you have to work, take so much time... and look for it first...
Everyone forgets that Elliott made his discovery (great or mediocre) on a millimeter with a logarithmic ruler in his hands...

I fully agree with Gorillych'.
Many people find it easier to deny everything than to "waste time" studying and checking.

2) Begun

Your sentence in 2 words to explain the Wave Theory is similar to a situation where
You with "zero knowledge" get behind the wheel of a Boeing for the 1st time and ask for a 2-word
B in 2 words how to get from point A to point B.
When you're told you don't have a clue about which terms you know nothing about, you start
saying that planes don't fly and that you'll believe it if you're told 30 times in a row.

I have been studying Wave Theory for more than 3 years and have not fully grasped all the points.

Only your desire and aspiration can bring positive results!

I wish you luck.

<br / translate="no"> Come on, my dear, it's entirely your prerogative to tell others.

That's what you call wanting to share knowledge you don't have.

This polemic is merely an exchange of opinion.

I have never considered my opinion to be an IMMEDIATE one. Others often do not like it, so I do not use this abbreviation for a long time. You are free to have your own opinion :-)
A few years ago we had books from the Magic Eye series on sale. In front of me right now is Visible Beyond, 1995 edition, with three-dimensional pictures by Tom Bacci. Before encountering this book, I had no idea how I could see, how one could see reality at all. And then, after a few minutes of practice, I saw a three-dimensional image in a two-dimensional drawing. It amazed me immensely. Especially the fact that I didn't know about such a human ability, that it is possible to draw like that for a human being. <br/ translate="no"> Elliott Theory is the same "magic eye" for seeing the market. All it takes is a manual and a few minutes of practice :-)))

Pictures in 3D are a cool and interesting topic. I can't think of a brighter example, I mean the analogy of the Wave Theory with the "magic eye".
I wrote earlier, that regardless of the scale, figures have the same geometric structure, and the eye is trained to identify standard and non-standard figures out of monowave flow.
The idea was to write a program that will recognize in time the shapes to be formed, and accordingly, to enter and leave the market at the "best" moments.

Gorillych, I recommend "Supermind" and "Textbook of fast reading" by Tony and Barry Busen, I think you will not regret. These books complement the three-dimensional picture book topic you raised.

It's nice to finally have someone who understands you :-)
