a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 137

Whatever has been said about the parabolic regression, but it appeals to me more and more, today specifically to see if NFP can break the "beautiful" parabolic channel... couldn't.

Here's a picture before

And here is the picture after
Guys, you'll laugh, but I got a book from the ozone today on the subject of this thread... :)
"The Mastery of Elliott Wave Analysis" - http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/1099444/

Ordered it on the 20th August, I think it was sent to me by courier on the 24th and it was out of stock right after that. Since nothing came in, I figured they didn't actually have the book, and was already ready to apologize to me for the mistake (although the status was "Delivered"), called - they say it came and delivered to my door today. So maybe I have the last copy of this small edition :)

Checked it - no one has read my copy yet, even crunchy when you unfold the pages :)
Now there's nothing left to do but switch urgently to discussing Elliott waves. :-))
Is this thread hanging there for nothing?

PS And there is nothing about potential energy by any chance ? :-))
<br/ translate="no"> Representing a chart as a polyline and recognizing the image (shape) of the polyline as a whole and its individual fragments.
Is such an approach to automated trading promising and feasible?

I think it is... :Q
moreover (probably due to my limitedness) I think this approach is the only correct one.
by the way Elliott wave analysis is also a pattern analysis. :)
Whatever has been said about parabolic regression, but it appeals to me more and more.

Excuse me, can you tell me where to read about it?
Excuse me, can you tell me where to read about it?

:), I don't think there's much written specifically about parabolic regression, you should read regression analysis, MNA (method of least squares), any reference book on mathematical statistics and tervers. You can get closer to our industry in Bulashev, I think there was a link on the first 10 pages somewhere.

Another question is whether it is worth the cost. "Sensei says it's "ok" without it, the "senior apprentice" says it's "cooler", I'm still hesitating, I'm looking at this and that picture as well as the other one. The parabola approximates beautifully, but with extrapolation I don't know, I don't know...
Sensei said "every flea has its own path" and every trader chooses the can (the commercial was "Pepsi-Cola") on which he will bang his head until he gets an insight (stamp on his forehead - experience) , however :)
Rosh, if it is not a secret, on what principles do you plan to build your "arbitrage advisor"?
The question is rather complicated (for me first of all :)) But I have a simple example. One of the strategies I know involves placing pending orders. Moreover, this strategy works on all currency pairs. If I place these orders everywhere, then there is a chance that they will almost all trigger when the market moves strongly. Then I may appear in the market orders as a "puffy fringe". The risk increases manifold. The way out of this situation is not to set these pending orders but to follow the prices on the charts relative to the "virtual orders". Once the price has entered the order trigger zone on one of the charts, we try to open either by the market or by some other cunning algorithm (say, a Stop order for breakout) and once we have got one market order by this strategy, we give the go-ahead on other pairs and do not trade by this strategy until the trade is completed.

The second example: we have several trading algorithms (several TS) on one account, we have opened a position early in the morning in Long by TS1, by the middle of the European session a signal to open along the market or to break through again in Long.
Option 1 - according to TS1, this position has already breakeven - then we can also work with TS2.
Option 2 - break-even on TC1, then we advise TC2, that there is already a position in Long for the best price and offer to accompany it, TC1 is sent to rest.
Variant 3 - we cover part of the position and TS2 is allowed to trade on the free part of the risk.

The third option. We have an open Buy on EURUSD at TC1, a signal is received at TC2 to sell. It is allowed to open this position, but it is not allowed to open a Buy position, as the risk increases. Or we may close Long and open Short.

Option four. We analyze the group behavior of currencies (usually versus the dollar), we calculate the directional movement against the dollar, each currency reaches its resistance level, these levels can be at different distances. We catch the strongest movement by analogy with the rubber band.

In general, we can use our imagination :) And then there are channels, patterns and so on.
Rosh, thank you for your reply.

Why don't you want to take on the role of "arbiter advisor" personally ( at the first stage ) ?

A set of several simple advisors of different purposes. You decide when, who and how much to work for.