a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 112

Поподробнее - как это видно? У кого стьюдент,а у кого нормальное. Я вот не увидел сходу (да и не сходу после
этой фразц тоже не смог понять).

I use a normal distribution and Vladislav I understand a Student distribution. Where my picture is superimposed, the largest channel almost coincides not only in the centre line but also in the confidence intervals, while the shorter channels are different, although maybe it seems to me, because the centre lines do not coincide either :(

I'll bet it's not Stewdent's luck. They don't differ for this problem, it's the other way round.
Actually how it has turned out, at first I too divided, as you say, by N, and already thought, that I absolutely mad (probably, 5 hours in a code, even asked your conclusion :) ) a line the central was drawn, and interval borders were somewhere in heavens and underground, and only then I thought, that I too at calculation at variable N take a bar number, and from quantity of measurements it differs on one, when having substituted +1 at once there were borders where it is necessary (probably, it Lenin :))))) ). May be it is just specificity of calculation algorithm. <br/ translate="no">
Anyway, even if there is an error now, the figures I posted show that it can be avoided.

N is the number of bars on which the calculation is made.
I neglected from the beginning the difference between the number of degrees of freedom and this N.

I meant that the number of degrees of freedom and the number of bars and the number of measurements are the same, but the serial number of the bar is counted from 0, that's the difference.

Look for error in your code and substitute N for N-1 or N+1 should not break channels. I've killed a couple of hours the other day to catch all errors in my library. Although I have written functions by brain and assumed that division by zero is not a threat, but when the code was close to 60 k, it turned out, that the quantity goes to the quality. As a result, I had to put error traps in all my code, and I better understood the extreme programming paradigm (that's when a check/failure code, which unambiguously points to error location in run-time, is embedded into object/function at the same time).
There you go! While I was busy with my business, I missed everything interesting!

<br / translate="no">Vladislav

No, it doesn't. I mean it doesn't need to be counted for the channel and it doesn't make sense physically. Kinetic energy belongs to the mechanism, in terms of mechanics. That is a dynamic system (in a broader sense). ...

Sensei's back! :о)))))) Not for long though :o(.

And here we are, trying to calculate potential energy... :o))))))) Thanks for the clarification, that's roughly what I was thinking about kinetic energy. Just having fun with Fourier series now, and will try to take your comments into account to the best of my ability.

There is inertia in Forex. Otherwise the price would react instantly.

Forex does that from time to time. Quite often there are gaps and accelerations, and what a lot of them. And quite often there is a very large difference between High and Low, which are values of the same BID.

That turns out to be what it takes to get people raring for pure science ! :-)
It's amazing, people needed a 3-volume book by Fichtenholz. And there each volume is 500 pp.

That's not the point, or rather, not so much. The reference book I have is written in a rather complicated language. I mean, for a mathematician it's probably okay, but if there's a book about the same thing written in a simple language, why not use it? And then, I would have continued to work in my profession even without the introduction of forex into the institutes, if it were not for a number of circumstances. I was very interested even without forex; another thing is that it has been seven years since I graduated and a lot of things have simply been forgotten.

Very appropriate link. Thank you!

You are welcome! In return, thank you for the links to the books.
Sergey, it was just a joke. But what if I want to tell a joke more than just a joke? I can imagine what would be the reaction. Generally, it seems to me that the atmosphere on this forum is very serious. A little more irony, and immediately thoughts start rustling faster. It's nice to stumble across some good humor once in a while. For example, about Sensei. :-)

I had a lot of fun without forex, the other thing is that it's been seven years since I graduated and a lot of things have simply been forgotten.

You still have a long way to go. In about 10-15 years everything will come back to you.
Recently I remembered that I knew Kudryavtsev and Ilyin-Pozdnyak. :-)
<br / translate="no"> It will only be 10-15 years before things start to come back to mind again.

I really hope I'll remember much sooner...
2 Rosh
For practical purposes the best book on matanalysis is "A Course in Differential and Integral Calculus" by Fichtenholz in 3 volumes.
Simple, detailed, thorough, with lots of solved examples from physics and mechanics. But it's probably not easy to find. It was published a long time ago.

Saw yesterday in a shop fresh edition Fichtenholz (2 volumes) on last century paper(in kind). Costs only 210 rubles, but did not buy. I don't like books on toilet paper.
Saw a fresh edition of Fichtenholz in a shop yesterday (2 volumes) on last century paper (by the look of it). Cost only 210 rubles, but I did not buy it. I do not like books on toilet paper.

Yes, about the toilet paper completely agree with you. It would be nice to have more disposable tabloid novels, or the N-teenth edition of a book on mathematics. Mathematics differs from physics and other sciences in that once something is proven there, it's there forever.

As for the two-volume book, Fichtenholz has one too. If memory serves me right, it is called "A Short Course in Differential and Integral Calculus. And it is true, it is really brief. There's a lot of useful stuff missing.
By the way, I just checked on Ampir and there's already a new account there. The last one I saw a couple of weeks ago was opened for $500 and was +50% on the upside at the time. And this one was opened on July 26th (i.e. 3 trading sessions ago) for $700 and now it's -50%.

I have the impression that I have missed a lot. And it is understandable, it is only the second time I have logged here this month. But now want to know how things were developing during this time. Maybe someone can shed some light on it?
By the way, if anyone is interested, I started to remember the formulation of the deflection boom problem. <br / translate="no"> Given: a wooden bar (I was calculating it) of length L, width and height (to get the volume)
Also given density and some kind of linear stretching factor k.
One end of the bar is fixed, under its own weight the bar deforms. Find formula which expresses relation between deflection slope S, length L and coefficient k

PS Thick hint: Vladislava has one end of the channel fixed :)

I am somehow sure that Vladislava's is quite different. :о)
Uh-huh, the solution to the deflection boom went through integration and eventually led to quadratic forms.