Maximum and minimum visible quotes - page 2

Getting the vertical and horizontal size of the current chart in pixels;
Using MQL4 tools - not possible. Only by importing the appropriate function.

- obtain the maximum and minimum visible quotations of the current chart;
It's already been done somewhere.
A combination of Highest(), Lowest(), BarsPerWindow() and FirstVisibleBar() functions.

- get the total number of expanded charts in the window.
Also with the help of system libraries only.

I need these parameters to control the output of graphical objects.
Read "MQL4: Storing and Displaying Information". may be useful.
Dear developers !

I still haven't got an answer to my question:

Why right after compilation FirstVisibleBar( ) returns 9104, but

after the first tick comes, FirstVisibleBar( ) = 409, which is 22 times less.

Sometimes you have to wait for about a minute for the first tick to come.

The BarsPerWindow() function has no such strangeness.
komposter, thanks for the tip. The approach is interesting, but it doesn't solve all the output control problems.

What system functions and libraries need to be connected to
- obtaining the vertical and horizontal size of the current chart in pixels;
- getting the maximum and minimum visible quotes of the current chart;
- to get the total number of expanded graphs in the window?

Maybe it makes sense to complement MQL4 language with appropriate functions ?
Dear developers ! <br / translate="no"> Still haven't received an answer to my question from you:

You won't get an answer until you submit your code.

Apart from that, it would be good to know the settings of the relevant graph.
For the purity of the experiment there is only one operator in the custom indicator:

Comment ( " ", BarsPerWindow(), " ", FirstVisibleBar( ), " ", Bars );

The effect of jumping FirstVisibleBar( ) occurs immediately after the indicator is attached to the chart and when switching from a larger period to a smaller one. It appears on any currency pair.

Which chart settings are of interest ?
I told you about data swapping. When you switch to another timeframe it is possible to swap the data.

When you switch, you try to set the chart to its positioning point. This is the jump I was telling you about as well.

The FirstVisibleBar function just returns the number of the first visible bar. Nothing more.
So why does BarsPerWindow() not require bar paging ?
<br / translate="no"> So why doesn't BarsPerWindow() require a bar swap ?

Because it is a constant value. As long as you don't change either the size of the chart window or its scale.
The value of BarsPerWindow( ) depends on the horizontal size of the chart and the scale set.

The value of FirstVisibleBar( ) depends on BarsPerWindow() and the indent from the right border of the chart.

Why do these functions need to swap data? When the period is switched, the value of the indent from the right border of the chart does not change.
These functions do not swap data!!!
The data is pumped automatically when the timeframe is changed.