Can you send me a piece of log from the moment of request to the moment when ping failed is received (it's important to check timeouts)? And is this on real or demo account?
Can you send a piece of the log from the moment the request is made until the ping failed is received (it's important to check timeouts)? And is this on a real or demo account?
This is on a demo account. Log... I closed and opened MT, so the "log" tab entry was updated. I'll copy it next time, then restart it, it feels like it will take a couple of days, I mean a recurrence of the problem. I can only suggest a log from the experts\logs directory. Is that what you had in mind?
In account history this transaction corresponds to the following line (by the way, why is there no line-by-line copying to buffer in this tab?):
1728130 2005.08.31 15:00 buy 0.10 eurusd 1.2223 1.2183 0 2005.08.31 20:07 1.2330 0 107.00 Friday
I am in Moscow, it may be needed in analysis of trade times.
Note that the Expert Advisor closed the trade at 8:07 p.m. In fact, the closing condition was at 8:01 p.m., but the position was not closed. I closed and opened MT, and at 20.07, i.e. immediately, within seconds of restarting the position closed.
Now looked at the log (the whole log), but it's 147Kb. I'll attach it if you want, but believe me, there are only two entries for this deal:
17:00:18 _Friday_Expert EURUSD,H1: open #1728130 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.2223 sl: 1.2183 ok
22:07:24 _Friday_Expert EURUSD,H1: close #1728130 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.2223 sl: 1.2183 at price 1.2330
So there seems to be no attempt to close the position at 20.01. "Sort of" because a) the "log" tab (I didn't expect MT to reset it) showed a note about the ping attempt and failure and b) as this is not the first problem with this EA, see how it looks from the inside:
for(nCnt = OrdersTotal() - 1; nCnt >= 0; nCnt--) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) { SaveComment("\r\n\t" + MathFloor(CurTime() / 3600) + " - " + MathFloor(OrderOpenTime() / 3600) + " >= " + nHoursToHold); int nCurHour = TimeHour(CurTime()); int nOrderOpenHour = TimeHour(OrderOpenTime()); if(nOrderOpenHour > nCurHour) nCurHour += 24; // if(MathFloor(CurTime() / 3600) - MathFloor(OrderOpenTime() / 3600) >= nHoursToHold) if(nCurHour - nOrderOpenHour >= nHoursToHold) { if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { CloseBuy("Friday"); SaveComment(", nbuy closed"); } else if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) { CloseSell("Friday"); SaveComment(", sell closed"); } } } } ... void CloseBuy(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close long position, ticket: " + nTicket); int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, nSlip, Aqua); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } } // ------ void CloseSell(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close short position, ticket: " + nTicket); int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, nSlip, OrangeRed); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } } // ------
SaveComment just writes text to a file.
So, all entries in the file that were appropriate for attempted closing of position appeared, but the alert was not called, i.e. OrderClose returned the successful completion code.
There is an error : ping failed in the log.
Maybe after a ping failed your system shouldn't allow OrderSend to be executed, then an error message would be generated.
In this case there is no error message, only a log entry. The program behaves as if it managed to close the trade, only the trade is not closed.
So, in the log:
2005.09.05 16:01:35 TradeContext: ping failed
2005.09.05 16:01:35 TradeContext: ping error
2005.09.05 16:01:14 '142605': close order #1775545 sell 0.10 EURUSD at 1.2535 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000 at price 1.2542
2005.09.05 16:01:14 '142605': login (4.00, #27FFBBD7)
By the way, I am really wondering why sl: 0.0000, I do not send zero.
At the same time, the start function looks like this:
int start() { if(Bars < 5) return(0); Report("Friday", nMagic, bReportDone); // ------ if(!IsBarEnd()) return(0); CheckTradeSemaphore(); // ------ if(bUseMm == true) { dProfit = 0; for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < HistoryTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic && OrderType() <= OP_SELL) { dProfit += OrderProfit(); } } } int nSignal = GetSignal(); SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); switch(nSignal) { case -1: SaveComment(", Signal: none"); break; case OP_BUY: SaveComment(", Signal: buy"); break; case OP_SELL: SaveComment(", Signal: sell"); break; default: SaveComment(", Signal: ????"); break; } for(nCnt = OrdersTotal() - 1; nCnt >= 0; nCnt--) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) { SaveComment("\r\n\t" + MathFloor(CurTime() / 3600) + " - " + MathFloor(OrderOpenTime() / 3600) + " >= " + nHoursToHold); int nCurHour = TimeHour(CurTime()); int nOrderOpenHour = TimeHour(OrderOpenTime()); if(nOrderOpenHour > nCurHour) nCurHour += 24; // if(MathFloor(CurTime() / 3600) - MathFloor(OrderOpenTime() / 3600) >= nHoursToHold) if(nCurHour - nOrderOpenHour >= nHoursToHold) { if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { CloseBuy("Friday"); SaveComment(", buy closed"); } else if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) { CloseSell("Friday"); SaveComment(", sell closed"); } } } } int nNumOfOpenedOrders = 0; for(nCnt = OrdersTotal() - 1; nCnt >= 0; nCnt--) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) nNumOfOpenedOrders++; } if(nNumOfOpenedOrders == 0) { if(nSignal == OP_BUY) { SaveComment("\r\n\tAsk: " + Ask + ", StopLoss: " + dStopLoss + ", TakeProfit: " + dTakeProfit); Buy("Friday"); SaveComment("\r\n\tbuy opened"); } else if(nSignal == OP_SELL) { SaveComment("\r\n\tBid: " + Bid + ", StopLoss: " + dStopLoss + ", TakeProfit: " + dTakeProfit); Sell("Friday"); SaveComment("\r\n\tsell opened"); } } SaveComment("\r\n"); // ------ // ModifyOrders(); // ------ if(!IsTesting()) GlobalVariableSet(strTradeSemaphore, 0.0); // ------ return(0); }
SaveComment is a function to output the string to a file.
Here is the close position function called from start. As you can see, it tries to close the position 5 times (I did this only for testing purposes), and if no error code is returned (i.e. MT thinks the position is closed), it searches among the still open orders for the one that has the required ticket.
void CloseSell(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close short position, ticket: " + nTicket); for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, nSlip, OrangeRed); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } bool bClosed = true; for(int nOrderNo = OrdersTotal() - 1; nOrderNo >= 0; nOrderNo--) { OrderSelect(nOrderNo, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderTicket() == nTicket) { bClosed = false; break; } } if(bClosed == true) { SaveComment("\r\n\tNo more orders with this ticket No"); break; } else SaveComment("\r\n\tOrder with this ticket still present, trying again"); } }
The log below shows that all 5 attempts to close an order have failed (the ticket has not disappeared), with MT believing the position is closed.
5.9.2005 14:1:29, Signal: none
312758.00000000 - 312754.00000000 >= 4
Attempting to close short position, ticket: 1775545
Order with this ticket still present, trying again
Order with this ticket still present, trying again
Order with this ticket still present, trying again
Order with this ticket still present, trying again, sell closed
Note: do not be afraid of "Signal: none" - it should be like this. This is a signal to open a new position. The signal to close a position is generated if the inequality "312758.00000000 - 312754.00000000 >= 4" is met,
Dear developers!
I hope very much that we will cure this problem together.
P.S. As usual, restarting MT, I get closing of the position by EA, without k.l. problems.
Added code writing results to a file when trying to open - close a deal in all my EAs. The result is disappointing. Approximately every time, for all EAs, one attempt to open - close an order is not enough. On average, it needs two (see code above, there is a cycle of five attempts). Sometimes five attempts are not enough. At the same time, MT works as if the order is successfully opened - closed, no error messages are given.
All semaphores suggested in branch "Error number 6" (which, by the way, still happens sometimes), I use, plus timer of Expert Advisors guarantees that each EA starts in its dedicated 10 seconds, that is, there should not be conflicts between EAs.
I suggest other developers use the code below in live EAs to check if all your orders work the way you expect. From a trading point of view, it's just a normal OrderSend, surrounded by functions to output to a file.
No offence, but it seems that MT needs to fine-tune the interaction with the trade server.
double GetLotSize(double dInitFraction = 0.1, double dProfitFraction = 0.1) { double dLot = 0.1; if(bUseMm) { dLot = (dInitFraction * dInitAmount + dProfitFraction * dProfit) / 1000; dLot = MathFloor(dLot * 10) / 10; if(dLot < 0.1) dLot = 0.1; } return(dLot); } // ------ void Sell(string strExpertName) { dLotSize = GetLotSize(); if(AccountFreeMargin() < dLotSize * dInitAmount || AccountFreeMargin() < 500) return; double dTp; if(dTakeProfit == 0) dTp = 0; else dTp = Bid - dTakeProfit; int nResult; for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment("Trying to sell, attempt " + nTry + "\r\n"); nResult = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, dLotSize, Bid, nSlip, Bid + dStopLoss, dTp, strExpertName, nMagic, 0, OrangeRed); if(nResult != -1) { SaveComment(" successfull\r\n"); break; } else SaveComment(" failed, error " + GetLastError() + "\r\n"); } if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + " sell error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Bid + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); SaveComment(strExpertName + " sell error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Bid + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); } } // ------ void Buy(string strExpertName) { dLotSize = GetLotSize(); if(AccountFreeMargin() < dLotSize * dInitAmount || AccountFreeMargin() < 500) return; double dTp; if(dTakeProfit == 0) dTp = 0; else dTp = Ask + dTakeProfit; int nResult; for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment("Trying to buy, attempt " + nTry); nResult = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, dLotSize, Ask, nSlip, Ask - dStopLoss, dTp, strExpertName, nMagic, 0, Aqua); if(nResult != -1) { SaveComment(" successfull\r\n"); break; } else SaveComment(" failed, error " + GetLastError() + "\r\n"); } if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + " buy error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Ask + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); SaveComment(strExpertName + " buy error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Ask + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); } } // ------ void CloseBuy(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close long position, ticket: " + nTicket); for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, nSlip, Aqua); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } bool bClosed = true; for(int nOrderNo = OrdersTotal() - 1; nOrderNo >= 0; nOrderNo--) { OrderSelect(nOrderNo, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderTicket() == nTicket) { bClosed = false; break; } } if(bClosed == true) { SaveComment("\r\n\tNo more orders with this ticket No"); break; } else SaveComment("\r\n\tOrder with this ticket still present, trying again"); } } // ------ void CloseSell(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close short position, ticket: " + nTicket); for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, nSlip, OrangeRed); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } bool bClosed = true; for(int nOrderNo = OrdersTotal() - 1; nOrderNo >= 0; nOrderNo--) { OrderSelect(nOrderNo, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderTicket() == nTicket) { bClosed = false; break; } } if(bClosed == true) { SaveComment("\r\n\tNo more orders with this ticket No"); break; } else SaveComment("\r\n\tOrder with this ticket still present, trying again"); } } // ------ void SaveComment(string strComment) { if(!IsTesting()) { int hFile = FileOpen("__test_" + strExpert + "_" + Symbol() + ".txt", FILE_BIN | FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE, '\t'); FileSeek(hFile, 0, SEEK_END); FileWriteString(hFile, strComment, StringLen(strComment)); // FileFlush(hFile); FileClose(hFile); } } // ------
Then we need to find the limit of acceptable interval on the demo account.
From 00:00 to 12:00
trades - 141
3 errors ("1" and two "6").
Quark, can you throw me in komposterius email ru the last glitchy version of your EA (which is on M1)? I'll hang 8 more windows - see what happens ;)
Experts wait (using semaphores) for one queue, moreover, the EA with magic number equal to, e.g. 10, waits 10 * 10 = 100 seconds from the start of a bar, and only then it trades. Therefore the chances of encountering an EA with magic 11 are close to 0 even without semaphores.
The impression is that if MT fails once (ping failed, error 6, etc.) something goes wrong in his system and subsequent trades of this EA fail.
Example of a log (code shown above):
Trying to buy, attempt 0 failed, error 6
Trying to buy, attempt 1 failed, error 129
Trying to buy, attempt 2 failed, error 129
Trying to buy, attempt 3 failed, error 129
Trying to buy, attempt 4 failed, error 129
Zigzag buy error: 4050
2.28000000, 0.02700000, 0.00000000
What do we have here? First there was a failure (in the log - connection error with the server). Then 5 retries (I have 5 in my loop) give 129 - wrong price. Below is the price - quite normal. After restarting MT at this price the order was successfully opened. Then we get 4050, wrong number of arguments. This is from a function that works fine in other calls. There is a clear failure of the error reporting system.
Citing one expert, although I suspect you have to have a lot of them for the problem to occur frequently. Hopefully the composter, Roche and the developers will look at the code and advise something. Still, I think it's a matter of MT here.
extern double dZigzagSize; extern int nMa1; extern int nMa2; extern int nBuySell; // ------ double dTrailingStop; double dStopLoss; double dTakeProfit; bool bUseMm = false; string strExpert = "Zigzag"; // ------ #include "mylib.mq4" // ------ int init () { nBars = 0;//Bars; if(!IsTesting() && !GlobalVariableCheck(strTradeSemaphore)) GlobalVariableSet(strTradeSemaphore, 0.0); // ------ if(IsTesting() && nMa1 >= nMa2) return(-1); if(Symbol() == "EURUSD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { dZigzagSize = 210; // 210,60,108,3: 2397, 614 nMa1 = 48; // 210,48,120,1: 2016, 332 nMa2 = 120; nBuySell = 1; } nMagic = 23; } else if(Symbol() == "EURJPY" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // 240,24,132,1: 1987, 387 dZigzagSize = 240; nMa1 = 24; nMa2 = 132; nBuySell = 3; } nMagic = 2; } else if(Symbol() == "USDCHF" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // 260,36,204,2: 2219, 262 dZigzagSize = 260; nMa1 = 36; nMa2 = 204; nBuySell = 2; } nMagic = 3; } else if(Symbol() == "GBPUSD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // 270,48,84,3: 5515, 679 dZigzagSize = 270; nMa1 = 48; nMa2 = 84; nBuySell = 3; } nMagic = 4; } else if(Symbol() == "GBPCHF" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // 270,96,108,1: 2854,292 dZigzagSize = 270; nMa1 = 96; nMa2 = 108; nBuySell = 1; } nMagic = 5; } else if(Symbol() == "USDCAD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // 220,60,300: 1906, 213 dZigzagSize = 220; nMa1 = 60; nMa2 = 300; nBuySell = 2; } nMagic = 7; } else if(Symbol() == "EURAUD" && Period() == 60) { if(!IsTesting()) { // 210,24,36,3: 3921, 545 dZigzagSize = 230; // 230,24,60,3: 3397, 453 nMa1 = 24; // 230,24,132,3: 2819, 292 nMa2 = 60; nBuySell = 3; } nMagic = 9; } dStopLoss = dZigzagSize * Point; dTrailingStop = dZigzagSize * Point; dTakeProfit = 0; return(0); } ////////////////// int deinit() { if(!IsTesting()) GlobalVariableSetOnCondition(strTradeSemaphore, 0.0, nMagic); return(0); } //////////////////// int start() { if(Bars < MathMax(nMa1, nMa2)) return(0); if(IsTesting() && nMa1 >= nMa2) return(0); Report("Zigzag", nMagic, bReportDone); // ------ if(!IsBarEnd()) return(0); CheckTradeSemaphore(); // ------ int nSignal = 0; double dMa1; double dMa2; nSignal = iCustom(NULL, 0, "_Zigzag_Ind", dZigzagSize, 0, 1); dMa1 = iMA(NULL, 0, nMa1, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1); dMa2 = iMA(NULL, 0, nMa2, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1); if(bUseMm == true) { dProfit = 0; for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < HistoryTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic && OrderType() <= OP_SELL) { dProfit += OrderProfit(); } } } for(nCnt = OrdersTotal() - 1; nCnt >= 0; nCnt--) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) { int nMode = OrderType(); if(nMode == OP_BUY && nSignal == 1) { CloseBuy("Zigzag"); break; } else if(nMode == OP_SELL && nSignal == -1) { CloseSell("Zigzag"); break; } } } int nNumOfOpenedOrders = 0; for(nCnt = OrdersTotal() - 1; nCnt >= 0; nCnt--) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) nNumOfOpenedOrders++; } if(!nNumOfOpenedOrders) { if(nSignal == -1 && dMa1 >= dMa2) { if(nBuySell == 1 || nBuySell == 3) Buy("Zigzag"); } else if((nSignal == 1 && dMa1 <= dMa2)) { if(nBuySell == 2 || nBuySell == 3) Sell("Zigzag"); } } // ------ ModifyOrders(); // ------ if(!IsTesting()) GlobalVariableSet(strTradeSemaphore, 0.0); // ------ return(0); } // ------
#property copyright "Quark" #property link "" #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 1 #property indicator_color1 Red #property indicator_minimum -1 #property indicator_maximum 1 // indicator parameters extern int nMinMaxPoints = 50; // indicator buffers double arrExtMapBuffer[]; int nExtCountedBars = 0; int nLastMinMaxBar; int nLastMinMaxType; double dLastMin, dLastMax; //////////////////////// int init() { string strIndicatorShortName; // drawing settings SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM); SetIndexShift(0, 0); SetIndexEmptyValue(0,0.0); IndicatorDigits(4); strIndicatorShortName = "Zigzag(" + nMinMaxPoints + ")"; IndicatorShortName(strIndicatorShortName); // indicator buffers mapping SetIndexBuffer(0, arrExtMapBuffer); dLastMin = Low[Bars - 1]; dLastMax = High[Bars - 1]; nLastMinMaxBar = Bars - 1; nLastMinMaxType = 0; int nPos = Bars - 1; int nLastPos = nPos; while(nPos >= 0) // Looking for a first min or max { if(dLastMax <= High[nPos]) { dLastMax = High[nPos]; nLastMinMaxBar = nPos; } if(dLastMin >= Low[nPos]) { dLastMin = Low[nPos]; nLastMinMaxBar = nPos; } if(Low[nPos] < dLastMax - nMinMaxPoints * Point) // Maximum found { nLastMinMaxType = 1; dLastMin = Low[nPos]; dLastMax = High[nPos]; nLastMinMaxBar = nPos; break; } else if(High[nPos] > dLastMin + nMinMaxPoints * Point) // Minimum found { nLastMinMaxType = -1; dLastMax = High[nPos]; dLastMin = Low[nPos]; nLastMinMaxBar = nPos; break; } nPos--; } return(0); } //////////////////// int start() { nExtCountedBars = IndicatorCounted(); if(nExtCountedBars < 0) return(-1); // last counted bar will be recounted if(nExtCountedBars > 0) nExtCountedBars--; Zigzag(); return(0); } /////////////////// void Zigzag() { int nPos = Bars - nExtCountedBars - 2; while(nPos > 0) { arrExtMapBuffer[nPos] = 0.0; double dLastMaxTmp = dLastMax; double dLastMinTmp = dLastMin; if(nLastMinMaxType != 1) // Expecting maximum { if(dLastMax <= High[nPos]) { dLastMax = High[nPos]; nLastMinMaxBar = nPos; } if(Low[nPos] < dLastMax - nMinMaxPoints * Point) // Maximum found { if(High[nPos] - Low[nPos] <= nMinMaxPoints * Point) { arrExtMapBuffer[nPos] = 1;//High[nLastMinMaxBar]; nLastMinMaxType = 1; dLastMin = Low[nPos]; dLastMax = High[nPos]; nLastMinMaxBar = nPos; } else { arrExtMapBuffer[nPos] = 0; arrExtMapBuffer[nPos + 1] = 0; dLastMax = dLastMaxTmp; dLastMin = dLastMinTmp; } } } if(nLastMinMaxType != -1) // Expecting minimum { if(dLastMin >= Low[nPos]) { dLastMin = Low[nPos]; nLastMinMaxBar = nPos; } if(High[nPos] > dLastMin + nMinMaxPoints * Point) // Maximum found { if(High[nPos] - Low[nPos] <= nMinMaxPoints * Point) { arrExtMapBuffer[nPos] = -1;//Low[nLastMinMaxBar]; nLastMinMaxType = -1; dLastMax = High[nPos]; dLastMin = Low[nPos]; nLastMinMaxBar = nPos; } else { arrExtMapBuffer[nPos] = 0; arrExtMapBuffer[nPos + 1] = 0; dLastMax = dLastMaxTmp; dLastMin = dLastMinTmp; } } } nPos--; } } /////////////////// /* if(IsTesting()) { FileDelete("__zigzag_test.txt"); hFile = FileOpen("__zigzag_test.txt", FILE_BIN | FILE_WRITE, '\t'); } void SaveComment(string strComment) { if(IsTesting()) { FileWriteString(hFile, strComment, StringLen(strComment)); } } if(IsTesting()) FileClose(hFile); */
Library file, must lie in the Expert directory:
double dTp = 0; //double dStop; datetime timePrev = 0; int nBars; int nDelaySeconds = 10; int nSlip = 5; double dProfit = 0; double dInitAmount = 1000; double dLotSize = 0.1; int nMagic = 0; bool bReportDone = false; string strTradeSemaphore = "TradeSemaphore"; // ------ void Report(string strFileName, int nMagic, bool& bReportDone) { if(IsTesting()) return; if(Hour() == 0 && Minute() >= nMagic / 2 && IsTesting() == false) { if(bReportDone == false) { int hFile = FileOpen(strFileName + "_" + Symbol() + "_" + Period() + ".rpt", FILE_BIN | FILE_WRITE, ','); string str = "CloseDateTime,Buy,Sell\r\n"; FileWriteString(hFile, str, StringLen(str)); for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < HistoryTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic && OrderType() <= OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { str = TimeToStr(OrderCloseTime(), TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES); if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) str = str + "," + OrderProfit() + ",0"; else str = str + ",0," + OrderProfit(); str = str + "\r\n"; FileWriteString(hFile, str, StringLen(str)); } } FileFlush(hFile); FileClose(hFile); bReportDone = true; } } else if(Hour() != 0) bReportDone = false; } // ------ double GetLotSize(double dInitFraction = 0.1, double dProfitFraction = 0.1) { double dLot = 0.1; if(bUseMm) { dLot = (dInitFraction * dInitAmount + dProfitFraction * dProfit) / 1000; dLot = MathFloor(dLot * 10) / 10; if(dLot < 0.1) dLot = 0.1; } return(dLot); } // ------ void Sell(string strExpertName) { dLotSize = GetLotSize(); if(AccountFreeMargin() < dLotSize * dInitAmount || AccountFreeMargin() < 500) return; double dTp; if(dTakeProfit == 0) dTp = 0; else dTp = Bid - dTakeProfit; int nResult; for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); SaveComment(" Trying to sell, attempt " + nTry + "\r\n"); SaveComment("Ask: " + Ask + ", StopLoss: " + dStopLoss + ", TakeProfit: " + dTakeProfit + "\r\n"); nResult = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, dLotSize, Bid, nSlip, Bid + dStopLoss, dTp, strExpertName, nMagic, 0, OrangeRed); if(nResult != -1) { SaveComment(" successfull\r\n"); break; } else SaveComment(" failed, error " + GetLastError() + "\r\n"); } if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + " sell error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Bid + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); SaveComment(strExpertName + " sell error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Bid + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); } } // ------ void Buy(string strExpertName) { dLotSize = GetLotSize(); if(AccountFreeMargin() < dLotSize * dInitAmount || AccountFreeMargin() < 500) return; double dTp; if(dTakeProfit == 0) dTp = 0; else dTp = Ask + dTakeProfit; int nResult; for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); SaveComment(" Trying to buy, attempt " + nTry + "\r\n"); SaveComment("Bid: " + Bid + ", StopLoss: " + dStopLoss + ", TakeProfit: " + dTakeProfit); nResult = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, dLotSize, Ask, nSlip, Ask - dStopLoss, dTp, strExpertName, nMagic, 0, Aqua); if(nResult != -1) { SaveComment(" successfull\r\n"); break; } else SaveComment(" failed, error " + GetLastError() + "\r\n"); } if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + " buy error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Ask + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); SaveComment(strExpertName + " buy error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Ask + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); } } // ------ void ModifyOrders() { for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < OrdersTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) { if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { if(OrderStopLoss() < Bid - dTrailingStop - 5 * Point) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - dTrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Aqua); break; } } if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) { if(OrderStopLoss() > Ask + dTrailingStop + 5 * Point) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + dTrailingStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, OrangeRed); break; } } } } } // ------ /* void ModifyOrders(double dTrailingConvergence = 1) { for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < OrdersTotal(); nCnt++) { OrderSelect(nCnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderMagicNumber() == nMagic) { if(dTrailingConvergence != 1) { dStop *= dTrailingConvergence; dStop = NormalizeDouble(dStop, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)); if(dStop < 10 * Point) dStop = 10 * Point; } if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { if(OrderStopLoss() < Bid - dStop - 5 * Point) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Bid - dStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Aqua); break; } } if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) { if(OrderStopLoss() > Ask + dStop + 5 * Point) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), Ask + dStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, OrangeRed); break; } } } } } */ // ------ bool IsBarEnd() { bool bIsBarEnd = false; if(nBars != Bars) { if(IsTesting() || (!IsTesting() && CurTime() > Time[0] + nMagic * nDelaySeconds)) { bIsBarEnd = true; nBars = Bars; } } return(bIsBarEnd); } // ------ void CheckTradeSemaphore() { if(!IsTesting()) { // int n = 1; while(!IsStopped()) { GlobalVariableSetOnCondition(strTradeSemaphore, nMagic, 0.0); // if(GlobalVariableGet(strTradeSemaphore) == 0.0) // GlobalVariableSet(strTradeSemaphore, nMagic); if(GlobalVariableGet(strTradeSemaphore) == nMagic) break; // Comment(GlobalVariableGet(strTradeSemaphore) + ": " + n); // n++; Sleep(1000); } RefreshRates(); } } // ------ /* void CloseBuy(string strExpertName) { int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, nSlip, Aqua); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + nError); } } // ------ void CloseSell(string strExpertName) { int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, nSlip, OrangeRed); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert("Noc_1 close: " + nError); } } */ // ------ void CloseBuy(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close long position, ticket: " + nTicket + "\r\n"); for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, nSlip, Aqua); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } bool bClosed = true; for(int nOrderNo = OrdersTotal() - 1; nOrderNo >= 0; nOrderNo--) { OrderSelect(nOrderNo, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderTicket() == nTicket) { bClosed = false; break; } } if(bClosed == true) { SaveComment("\r\n\tNo more orders with this ticket No"); break; } else SaveComment("\r\n\tOrder with this ticket still present, trying again"); } } // ------ void CloseSell(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close short position, ticket: " + nTicket + "\r\n"); for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, nSlip, OrangeRed); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } bool bClosed = true; for(int nOrderNo = OrdersTotal() - 1; nOrderNo >= 0; nOrderNo--) { OrderSelect(nOrderNo, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderTicket() == nTicket) { bClosed = false; break; } } if(bClosed == true) { SaveComment("\r\n\tNo more orders with this ticket No"); break; } else SaveComment("\r\n\tOrder with this ticket still present, trying again"); } } // ------ void SaveComment(string strComment) { if(!IsTesting()) { int hFile = FileOpen("__test_" + strExpert + "_" + Symbol() + ".txt", FILE_BIN | FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE, '\t'); FileSeek(hFile, 0, SEEK_END); FileWriteString(hFile, strComment, StringLen(strComment)); // FileFlush(hFile); FileClose(hFile); } } // ------
It's time for the developers to think about a job for you on the staff to find them all sorts of nastiness.
Maybe it's the ping, I don't have cycles to retry placing orders, maybe I should call Refresh at this point and tuck in fresher prices.
I get lost ...:)
Maybe it's the ping, I don't have cycles to retry placing orders, maybe I need to call Refresh at this point and tuck in fresher prices.
I'm getting lost ...:)
Good idea... Will do now...
void Sell(string strExpertName) { dLotSize = GetLotSize(); if(AccountFreeMargin() < dLotSize * dInitAmount || AccountFreeMargin() < 500) return; double dTp; if(dTakeProfit == 0) dTp = 0; else dTp = Bid - dTakeProfit; int nResult; for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); SaveComment(" Trying to sell, attempt " + nTry + "\r\n"); SaveComment("Ask: " + Ask + ", StopLoss: " + dStopLoss + ", TakeProfit: " + dTakeProfit + "\r\n"); nResult = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, dLotSize, Bid, nSlip, Bid + dStopLoss, dTp, strExpertName, nMagic, 0, OrangeRed); if(nResult != -1) { SaveComment(" successfull\r\n"); break; } else { SaveComment(" failed, error " + GetLastError() + "\r\n"); RefreshRates(); } } if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + " sell error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Bid + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); SaveComment(strExpertName + " sell error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Bid + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); } } // ------ void Buy(string strExpertName) { dLotSize = GetLotSize(); if(AccountFreeMargin() < dLotSize * dInitAmount || AccountFreeMargin() < 500) return; double dTp; if(dTakeProfit == 0) dTp = 0; else dTp = Ask + dTakeProfit; int nResult; for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); SaveComment(" Trying to buy, attempt " + nTry + "\r\n"); SaveComment("Bid: " + Bid + ", StopLoss: " + dStopLoss + ", TakeProfit: " + dTakeProfit); nResult = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, dLotSize, Ask, nSlip, Ask - dStopLoss, dTp, strExpertName, nMagic, 0, Aqua); if(nResult != -1) { SaveComment(" successfull\r\n"); break; } else { SaveComment(" failed, error " + GetLastError() + "\r\n"); RefreshRates(); } } if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + " buy error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Ask + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); SaveComment(strExpertName + " buy error: " + nError + "\r\n" + Ask + ", " + dStopLoss + ", " + dTp); } } void CloseBuy(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close long position, ticket: " + nTicket + "\r\n"); for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, nSlip, Aqua); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); SaveComment(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } bool bClosed = true; for(int nOrderNo = OrdersTotal() - 1; nOrderNo >= 0; nOrderNo--) { OrderSelect(nOrderNo, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderTicket() == nTicket) { bClosed = false; break; } } if(bClosed == true) { SaveComment("\r\n\tNo more orders with this ticket No"); break; } else { SaveComment("\r\n\tOrder with this ticket still present, trying again"); RefreshRates(); } } } // ------ void CloseSell(string strExpertName) { int nTicket = OrderTicket(); SaveComment("\r\n\tAttempting to close short position, ticket: " + nTicket + "\r\n"); for(int nTry = 0; nTry < 5; nTry++) { SaveComment(Day() + "." + Month() + "." + Year() + " " + Hour() + ":" + Minute() + ":" + Seconds()); int nResult = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, nSlip, OrangeRed); if(nResult == -1) { int nError = GetLastError(); Alert(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); SaveComment(strExpertName + ", error: " + nError); } bool bClosed = true; for(int nOrderNo = OrdersTotal() - 1; nOrderNo >= 0; nOrderNo--) { OrderSelect(nOrderNo, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderTicket() == nTicket) { bClosed = false; break; } } if(bClosed == true) { SaveComment("\r\n\tNo more orders with this ticket No"); break; } else { SaveComment("\r\n\tOrder with this ticket still present, trying again"); RefreshRates(); } } }
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What is this and how to deal with it?
When restarting MT (closing condition is still valid) the deal closes successfully.
There are no errors in the log, the output in the file, which I put literally across a line, shows that OrderSend WORKED, no error, but here's the trouble: a) the order in the list of open remained and b) it closed on restart of MT, so it was not only in the list, but also in reality.
Just in case Meta wants to reconcile logs with Alpari, account 142605, ticket 1728130
I hope to still get an answer, this is not my first post about this error.