Filtering signals on the Expert Advisor. I chose the iVolume indicator for filtering. What other indicators do you use? - page 4

Alexander Ivanov:
Hi! No, they didn't ban me. On the contrary, the moderator has given permission to share the codes. There is a zip archive at the top. But it has already been passed - I revised filters and combined them in a new way. I will post the new code today.
Should I not believe my own eyes? Did you see what message I quoted? And you're sending it back to me as if nothing had happened. There's no code.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Like I'm not supposed to believe my own eyes? Did you see the message I quoted? And you're making the same reference as if nothing had happened. There's no code.

there's an eX4 file inside the zip file. But if you can't see that either, wait till I post it soon.

Alexander Ivanov:

there's an eX4 file inside the zip file. But if you can't see that either, wait till I post it soon.

Do you even know how to tell a dick from a carrot?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Do you even know how to tell a dick from a carrot?
There is no open source code. Only eh4.
Alexander Ivanov:
the open code is not there. Only eh4.
Let's go for a second round? Did someone forbid you to post the code?
Alexander Ivanov:
Almost finished testing. Is it possible to post the code here?
Posted the second version.
Alexander Ivanov:
Posted the second version.
Where's the code?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Where is the code?
mq4 code?
Alexander Ivanov:
mq4 code?
Nah... cipher from the centre