Moderation in the marketplace - page 4


I advised you to read the rules of the Market and compare your dissatisfaction with these rules and, in passing, with the realities of life. And that may not necessarily equal advice to be content and happy. /*Warm is not necessarily equal to soft.

You are able to be satisfied and rejoice, I suppose, without my advice.

You haven't written any facts that give you any reason to speak negatively about the Market. Until now. Even though you are on a technical forum.

From your statements, we can only assume that you were (were? really?) unhappy because:

  • you needed to fix the bugs in your program code,
  • There were some other comments about your products or your product,
  • the timing was not in line with your personal wishes.

If this is true, in fact, then it means you haven't read the rules on Market, were unaware that Market shouldn't fix your product for you. Or anyone else's product for anyone. Especially since the code is provided there in a closed form (ex4 or ex5 file).

Also, you and as if you weren't aware that Market staff aren't required to be telepathic, and that's probably why you were angered (were you? really?) by their having questions/comments for you.

If in fact you still think that the comments made by Market staff were not objective, that they were not correct in their remarks to you - describe the facts in detail to Service Desk and attach evidence.

Just in case: Service Desk is not Market.

But you won't write there. Or write something like that.

For my part, I can say that in my experience so far there was no reason to doubt the objectivity or competence of the Market staff. Nor has there been any incorrectness in internal correspondence on various issues. And I have had no reason to accuse them of stalling. I did not see any differences in checking paid or free.

And based on your last post, I think I would not be wrong to suggest that the negativity from you personally can only be a form of advertising for your product/s.

And, mind you, I have never once here in this thread expressed my opinion about your "grail" or similar to yours, so please don't make hasty and/or demagogic conclusions, assessments and/or negative pronouncements about my programs either from now on.

I have read the rules, but that is not the point.

When you write that the expert should work at M30 on UUD USD and moderators check it on gold and say the tester is glitchy, fix the bug.

I did it and then they checked 1 dollar account and made another error,

I fix it then proceed to the checked phase but no, I get the reprimand again.

The screenshot doesn't work.

I had to delete the file from YouTube and then put a new one but, oh my God, there is no"Undo" button, it may be because the EA is checked

I am writing to the moderator

Please return the EA toDraft mode so that I can make changes on your comment

I have no "Undo" button.

And after every such as you said "we wait 2 days".

I don't know what to tell you. I don't have any more words.


You better think about what you are writing!

If the moderator writes that it does not work, it means that it does, better test your ex_ on different terminals from different brokers and look at the log and EA tabs yourself.

So it is like that? Seriously? In my opinion, this means only one thing - the Moderator is not competent and before testing he hasn't even bothered to read the recommendations, the description of what is required for the correct operation of the indicator, namely, the presence of 28 currency pairs!
it does not change the matter - if the indicator writes to the file, moderation will write: "indicator does not write to the file" - if moderation writes: "the indicator does not draw", it means that the indicator does not work - that's all - no one should give any explanations, neither moderation, nor the buyer - it is pure seller's problem and only he should solve it - moderation is not a debugger and not a bug tester
It makes sense, especially moderators do not always know what exactly should draw the indicator, arrows, lines, nails or copies of Malevich....
What line of code are we even talking about? Is the code available to the customer? Or are you just here to talk? :)
Before you accuse anyone of incompetence and in order not to mislead others, put your brief description of the indicator, which will be in the description of the indicator
So that's how it is? Really? In my opinion, this means only one thing - the moderator is not competent and didn't even bother to read the recommendations before testing, the description of what is required for the correct operation of the indicator, namely the presence of 28 currency pairs!
"Who gives a shit? The daughter-in-law" So it is with you. You are incompetent as a seller. That's what the moderator told you. And you didn't get it. So not only are you incompetent, but you're not thinking straight.

It should always be assumed that the end user will be the least competent and not be eager to read the manuals, instructions before running the software.

"smiley face - holding my head."

Buy anything without reading the manual? This is too much of a luxury! FREE versions - maybe so. They try it, it doesn't work, then they read the manual.

Well, if you've bought one and haven't read the manual and it doesn't work, then you should go back and read the manual and recommendations and then make a complaint and ask questions!

So that's how it is? >>> Seriously? I think it means only one thing - the Moderator is not competent and before testing he hasn't even bothered to read the recommendations, the description of what is required for the correct operation of the indicator, namely the existence of 28 currency pairs!

This means only your incompetence (No offense)

When writing a program you have to take into account everything the user can do with your code, if you're writing that you need to make sure that the market review window must be 28 instruments, then I want to disappoint you, half of the brokers won't have that much, and the second main thing, you as a developer in the code should check the presence of 28 instruments in the market review and if their number is less, print an alert and comment with a message about the error ... Your program should check all of the environment itself, and if any fragment is missing, inform the user about it,

user will take the path of least resistance! << "It is not working!!! I gave money !!! He scammed me, MT4/5 are suckers and Market is a crook !!!! Aaaaah I'll report you to prosecutor's office...">>>>.

You are a developer and you should take into account the maximum ...

"Who gives a shit? Sister-in-law" That's what you are. You're the one who's incompetent as a salesman. That's what the moderator told you. And you didn't get it. So not only are you incompetent, but you're not thinking straight.
What did the moderator tell me that I didn't understand? And you shouldn't judge someone who's not competent by himself! It is unbecoming of you.

"smiley face - holding my head"

Buy anything without reading the instructions? That's too much of a luxury to allow! FREE versions - maybe they are. They try it, it doesn't work, then they read the manual.

Well, if you have bought it and have not read the instructions and nothing works, then you should go back to reading the instructions and recommendations, and then make your claims and ask questions!

Answer honestly:

1) Did you read the Windows manual before you bought it (I assume you're buying it, not pirating it)?

2) Have you read the MT4 manual before you installed it?

3) Have you read the rules of the marketplace before you start working with it? :)

If the answer to at least one question is "no", then I think you should reconsider your position.

And a simple logical question: imagine yourself a moderator who has to look at a few dozen programs in a day (the order of download - I'm taking from the ceiling). Would you read the manual for each program, especially if at the first attempt to start there are no visible results?


"smiley face - holding my head"

Buy anything without reading the instructions? That's too much of a luxury to allow! FREE versions - maybe they are. Try it, it doesn't work, then read the manual.

Well, if you bought it and didn't read the instructions and nothing works, then you should go back to reading the instructions and recommendations and then make a claim and ask questions!

If there are errors in the default settings, what kind of instructions and recommendations can there be.

Been through this myself in the marketplace.

The buyer in this case (the marketplace moderator) has set the indicator and there is nothing.

The first wish of a normal buyer would not be to read, but to get their money back.