How to find out if the market is closed? (mql4) - page 8

Karputov Vladimir:
Is the If not, please specify your trading account type and trading server.
Real STP
Vasyl Nosal:
Real STP

The idea is to have an FXOpen-Real1 server. The script will help add all available symbols to the Market Watch window and if you enable the "Time" column, you can see which symbol the last quote came from at the weekend:

//|                                          MarketWatch_Add_All.mq4 |
//|                              Copyright © 2014, Vladimir Karputov |
//|                                  |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2014, Vladimir Karputov"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   int symbols_total=SymbolsTotal(false);
   string symbol_name="";
   for(int i=0;i<symbols_total;i++)
         Print("Error SymbolSelect");
Karputov Vladimir:

The idea is to have an FXOpen-Real1 server. The script will help add all available symbols to the Market Watch window and if you enable the "Time" column, you can see which symbol the last quote came from on the weekend:

Fancy )). When running the script we get a couple of mouse clicks less than if the same action was done "manually". True programmer! ))
Vasyl Nosal:
Because if you go into the terminal at the weekend, the time is updated on the date you logged in and it doesn't matter if there are ticks.


Ihor Herasko:
Funny )). In the case of running the script get a couple of mouse clicks less than if the same action was done "manually". A true programmer! ))


script 3 times LKM (expand script overview,2 click to attach script= or pull but this is also 2 actions click+drag)

view market PCM+LKM (invoke menu, select show all symbols).

Alexey Busygin:


Don't erase the message.
Ihor Herasko:
Funny )). In case of running the script, we get a couple of mouse clicks less than if the same action was done "manually". True programmer! ))

Well you probably haven't seen about 1000 instruments, which are divided into 15 categories :) .

And so, just for the record, sets like "forex.all" do not necessarily contain absolutely all available instruments.

Karputov Vladimir:

Well you probably haven't seen about 1000 instruments, which are divided into 15 categories :) .

And so, just for the record, sets like "forex.all" do not necessarily contain absolutely all available instruments.

Doesn't "Show all symbols" help in this case?
Ihor Herasko:
Doesn't "Show all characters" help in this case?
I checked. It works :).
Ihor Herasko:
Just don't forget to do it on the terminals of those brokers who don't provide quotes on weekends (any of those I've experimented on, above the thread).


P.S. I forgot to add. The time is updated when you log into the account.