F - page 37


Thank you for your kind words.

It's about to burst, it's ripe. I've been sick lately, my back is spinning, doesn't allow me to concentrate fully - but it'll pass. But the idea is alive and well ;)

If your back is spinning, get a Kuznetsov applicator, only it is now called an applicator.


It relieves muscle contractures very well. The main thing is to lie still for the first 10 minutes)))

Инструкция по применению аппликатора Кузнецова
Инструкция по применению аппликатора Кузнецова
  • ruback.ru
Человеческий организм – сложнейшая система, все органы которой взаимосвязаны между собой. Воздействуя на биологически активные точки организма методами рефлексотерапии, можно избавиться от многочисленных заболеваний, снизить болевые ощущения, активировать защитные механизмы, восстановительные процессы и многое другое. Что представляет собой...

Thanks for the kind word.

It's about to burst, it's ripe. I've been sick lately, my back's been acting up, keeping me from concentrating fully - but it'll pass. But the idea is alive and well ;)

When you're sick, it's better not to touch the CU. When you're healthy, you think - well, I've made a fool of myself...... and it's all eating up money, instead of adding to the depot...

If your back is spinning, get a Kuznetsov applicator, only it is now called an applicator.


It relieves muscle contractures very well. The main thing is to lie still for the first 10 minutes)))

I have a similar massager. It helps, but not for long. Hopefully it will get better.
When you're sick, it's best not to touch the TS. When you're healthy, you think - well, you've made a fool of yourself...... and it's all eating up money, instead of adding to the depot...
That's for sure...

The persistence of the topicstarter commands respect in any case. If only he would have listened to his good advice...

My wish is that the tractor would live up to its name and never slips.

Get well Oleg.


The persistence of the topicstarter commands respect in any case. If only he would have listened to his good advice...

My wish is that the tractor would live up to its name and never slips.

Get well Oleg.

Thank you, Andrew.

All will be well!!! ;)


Wednesday, 15 April.


Thursday, 16 April.


Thursday, 16 April.

I kept meaning to ask, for something to lean on. Is it automatic trading or manual tractor control?

Which TF is involved?


I kept meaning to ask you something to lean on. Is it automatic trading or manual operation of the tractor?

It's either trying to catch up with the tractor (driverless) or running away from it. It depends on who or what is ahead. But it seems more likely that the tractor is ahead on its way. And the tractor driver is trying to catch up with it, but for some reason it does not succeed.