FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2030


So I suggested he look up the forecast-fact tables to look at the stories rather than waiting with a premonition )))

I especially liked it when the annlites were screaming at gold peaks a few years ago.... the safe haven currency etc... the crowd was having a blast )))) hilarious...

I took a nap when I came out of the woods and dreamed that the ground was covered with fat bylimits from 1.03 to 1.07 euros, I woke up and thought - what happens if the price gets there and they don't remove them?...

How much slack can you take? Can you handle 130?

125 will do. 130 - dunno.
Naah... (Spot_Fut) before I forget,
because yesterday the best moderator in the Runet didn't let me post it...

Traditionally punished by a moose)))

Thanks, of course, but what is THIS? )) No letters or numbers)))

Well, gentlemen, it's time to forecast gaps))))

I assume a gap of at least 200 ppts down on the Eurobucks...

Dmitry Chepik:

Well, gentlemen, it's time to forecast gaps))))

I assume a gap of at least 200 ppts down on the Eurobucks...

I disagree, up by 50 ppts at the open
I took a nap when I came out of the woods and dreamed that the ground was paved with fat bylimits from 1.03 to 1.07 euro, woke up and thought - what happens if the price gets there and they don't remove them?...
Easily. I see the same thing happening. Exporters in the states are suffering from the strength of the dollar. They also want to accelerate inflation...
I drew a line )))) We will see...
I took a nap as I came out of the woods and dreamed that the ground was paved with fat bylimits on the euro from 1.03 to 1.07, I woke up and thought - what happens if the price gets there and they don't remove them?...
It will be a crowd-pleaser! By the end of the year, the euro will rise, on the news of the collapse of the eurozone))))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Thank you, of course, but what is THIS? )) No letters, no digits )))
What did you ask Eidler for )))) spot futures...

I can bet even less) without army, without economy, without politics.

Sometimes I wonder why Germany needs the EU )))) A precedent has been set... Now the other debtors can start to

They have already destroyed their neighbours' industries and so on... The mona is splitting up )))) The UK is also said to be tired and will be leaving in a couple of years...)))

Risk appetite in the market turns around
by Nikolay Ludanov in Foreign exchange market
On Thursday the put/call-coefficient on option contracts on S&P500 index exceeded 1.4, which indicated the extremely bearish expectations of American traders. Such a high put/call coefficient is a rare occurrence, which only occurs several times a year. In the past we might have seen a 3-5% drop at such high values, but with today's "everything is under the control of the central banks" [...]

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