FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2027

I don't claim to be a guru, because I don't need one. It just never ceases to amaze me at human stupidity. Well, have fun, I'm going for a walk in the woods.
That's right stupidity, stupidity, nerds, bullshit .... There is still a lot to understand and forgive ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Well, yes - the money, the deadlines... Only they decided (in the beginning) - "to whom I owe I forgive all". )) Or is that bullshit too? )) How do you see this situation?

Futures and CME in one line... Unfortunately, I do not understand how to interpret it (( Ok, options - a lot of strings, volumes - at least something is visible. But here - three figures... What can they tell us? I don't know.) The volume there is only the total.

Actually, in order to get a signal (applies to any solution in life as well) we just need to compare any two properties


Generally speaking, to get a signal (applies to any solution in life as well) you just need to compare any two properties

So you want to say that everyone here is stupidly losing, but in fact you only need to compare one figure of futures with a second one, and you'll always be on the plus side? ))

Daniil Stolnikov:

So you want to tell me that everyone is losing, but in fact you just need to compare one figure with a second one and you'll always be in the black? ))

I didn't. I was just saying that you don't really need a lot of numbers. The main thing is to understand at the beginning what to compare with what, in order to decide on the signal. You have to solve the problem in a consistent way, and then you won't need any tips.

1. Let us read the theory.

2. Let us systematize the knowledge we have got.

3. Developing a strategy.

4. Getting a signal.

And you want to be given a ready result right away.

I can't tell you anything about the futures. Strange studied the futures up and down. I have a different strategy.

The main thing - don't use a ready-made one and you'll be fine. //It's a matter of how lucky you are and how long it takes.

By the way, the moon doesn't fly according to Newton. It's been counted using empirical formulas since Gauss. All sorts of corrections and additions and no universal gravitation.

there is a figure here with data on the external debt of the Greeks - 312 in total, 80 to the private sector and the rest to all kinds of state structures,

40 to repay within a year !!!

34 from a year to 5, then the debt is about 6-10 yards to 2055

Еврогруппа получила официальную оценку кредиторами предложений Греции
Еврогруппа получила официальную оценку кредиторами предложений Греции
  • 2015.07.11
МОСКВА, 11 июл — РИА Новости. Пресс-секретарь председателя Еврогруппы Йеруна Дейсселблума сообщил, что в преддверии заседания глав финансовых ведомств от ЕС и МВФ были получены документы, содержащие официальную оценку греческого предложения по реформам и разрешению долгового кризиса. "Были получены оценка институтами согласно Статье 13 договора...

there is a figure here with data on the external debt of the Greeks - 312 in total, 80 to the private sector and the rest to all kinds of state structures,

40 to repay within a year !!!

34 from a year to 5, then the debt is about 6-10 yards to 2055

Greece has been in the market for a long time. Italy and Portugal are on the way.
Greece has been in the market for a long time. Italy and Portugal are on the way.
I'd say Europe.

You're unbelievable... "let's pop", "branch out, give me a number", "Europe is coming" - (no number), but the US is not coming for the last X years ?


well the eu has been geping for the third week in a row on monday ? now up

Lenders call Athens' new proposals the basis for debt negotiations

Кредиторы назвали новые предложения Афин основой для переговоров о долге
Кредиторы назвали новые предложения Афин основой для переговоров о долге
Тройка кредиторов в лице Еврокомиссии, Европейского центрального банка (ЕЦБ) и Международного валютного фонда (МВФ) провели оценку предложений Греций по урегулированию ситуации с долгом. По словам источника Reuters, они сочли их основой для переговоров по кредитной программе ESM. «Три учреждения провели совместную оценку предложений Греции...
the pindos have an army. that's the way it is...