FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2026

Daniil Stolnikov:
Unreal data? How's that? ))
Think about it. And where did you see the word "unrealistic" in my post?
Think about it. And where did you see the word "unrealistic" in my post?
What doesn't apply to real data? unreal data ))

For example you can use inversion - as in the case of Guru. If they say Greece will leave the EU - invert - Greece will not leave the EU ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
What is not real data? Unreal data ))

For example we can use inversion - as in the case of the Teacher. If they say Greece will leave the EU - invert - Greece will not leave the EU ))
That's how your brain works, you point your finger where to go and you immediately rush in the opposite direction. And not only here, in life it's the same, it used to surprise me, but I got used to it, one thing is surprising - where does it come from so much stupidity?
That's how your brain works, you point your finger where to go and you immediately rush off in the opposite direction. And not only here, in life too, it used to surprise me, but I got used to it, one thing is surprising - where is the stupidity?
Well, it's simple logic - if one thing does not work, the reverse works )) 50/50 - up or down. If the real data does not work - the unreal data works. If they really say Greece will leave the EU - unrealistically it will not leave the EU )))

Are you making any calculations - futures. What are they based on? On real data that someone somewhere is posting. Otherwise where would you get this information from?
The jokes are good, but when you suggest people to look at real economic and trading data, and they tell you about stochastics, fibos, moon phases and other bullshit, while claiming that they successfully trade using all that, which in itself is nonsense, then there is one conclusion - no one needs such a branch. And do not tell me to show, teach, give, I showed you which way to go, go ahead, if you do not want - give me your money, they will not bother me.
I don't take all of the above-mentioned bullshit for granted, all this bullshit helps me in my trading decisions, all together and one by one! It is clear that the price is the most reliable indicator, but how many different minds at different times have wrapped it in all sorts of bullshit in the form of indicators that are secondary in nature and the error of believing in them as the original source.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Well, it's a simple logic - if one does not work - the opposite works) 50/50 - up or down. If the real data does not work - the unreal data works. If they really say Greece will leave the EU - unrealistically it will not leave the EU ))

Are you making any calculations - futures. What are they based on? On real data that someone somewhere is posting. Otherwise where would you get this information from?

Yo...w...., will it or won't it. What did they really demand-propose to Greece and what exactly did the Greeks offer? In terms of money and timing. That's the real data. And everything else is your sick fantasy. My information comes from the same place where you got it from, only I take into account only the facts. All the rabble-rousing about Greece can be fit into 3-4 lines of real data.

I do not make any calculations, the data on futures trading in the same Ninza is presented in one line.

Nikolai Romanovskyi:
I don't consider all of the above to be bullshit at some point all of this bullshit in combination and individually helps me personally in making trading decisions !
You can tell my grandmother.

Yo...w...., will it or won't it. What did they really demand-propose to Greece and what exactly did the Greeks offer? In terms of money and timing. That's the real data. And everything else is your sick fantasy. My information comes from the same place where you got it from, only I take into account only the facts. All the hype about Greece can be fit into 3-4 lines of real data.

I do not make any calculations, the data on futures trading in the same Ninza is reflected in one line.

Well yes - the money, the timing... Only they decided (in the beginning) - "to whom I owe I forgive all") )) Or is that also bullshit? )) How do you see this situation?

Futures and CME in one line... Unfortunately, I do not understand how to interpret it (( Ok, options - a lot of strings, volumes - at least something is visible. But here - three figures... What can they tell us? I don't know.) The volume is just the total.
Tell my grandmother.
What about teaching from the books of the great gurus?)
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
What about teaching from the books of great gurus?)
I don't claim to be a guru, because I don't need one. It just never ceases to amaze me at human stupidity. Well, have fun, I'm going for a walk in the woods.