FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1939

And the song about Greece, that's about nothing)
Yes, the topic has been chewed up for a long time and the price is already priced in. If a default is announced or a withdrawal is announced, one or two figures can move in any direction.
As for Ukraine, if a default is announced in a month, the hryvnia could easily fall by half...
Yes, the topic has been chewing for a long time and the price is already priced in. They may move one or two figures in any direction for show, if the default or withdrawal is announced.
And as for Ukraine, if they announce the default in a month, the hryvnia could easily fall by half...

Not in a month, but in a week and a half, but I think they will be.)

And Greece yes, the locomotive of the jewish union)

My feeling is that the pound will go from low 56 for a week and expiry of its July contract.

Plus this week will be the week of the overflow of dough)

Resistance is at 12 on the Euro and support is at 1080.


1)Guys, brokers, not to be confused with kitchens, live off of spreads, commissions, etc., they don't give a damn what goes where.

2) If we talk about speeches by presidents, heads of national banks, they do not seriously affect exchange rates. Only one statement by Putin or the head of China (I do not know what they call him now) can affect the exchange rates, but this statement will destroy the whole market, there will be simply no money, no money at all, so we are unlikely to hear it. To be more specific - the only way the market can be affected, or rather destroyed, is to demand payment of the states foreign debt.

Better get to the real trade, why pour water)

1) That's what I'm saying. Name one.)

2) The markets are supposed to open overnight on Euros slightly below Friday's close.


1) That's what I'm saying. Name just one.)

2) In theory the markets should open overnight on the Euro a little lower than Friday's close.

Ameritrade will do?) Google it, there are a lot of good brokers, but their minimum deposit is also good.)

If something opens there, it's nothing.


Let's create a separate thread - how forex quotes are formed - who understands what - set it out,

what do we know - there are large trading floors - EBS, reuters (like?), there are smaller ones - HotSpot, Currenex(?)

there is also futures trading on the Chicago exchange - perhaps this dominates and spot goes after futures...

There is one question - if I understand correctly - spot and futures prices are different - the difference is calculated through interest rates -

the question is what happens when the rate changes - the futures are in place and the spot changes or vice versa or both change?


the chicago exchange works 24 hours a day or like the moscow one - it does not work at night ?

You are welcome to go to, where we will analyze in details the Greece and Euro case, using new theory and examples of similar cases in the past. This graph will tell you a lot and, I hope, will clarify the situation. It would be better to discuss it in the specified theme, not to interfere with this thread::

Теория рынка
Теория рынка
Цопт - оптимальная цена, позволяющая получить максимальную прибыль;. - Страница 149 - Категория: общее обсуждение
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
You can go to this thread where we will analyse in detail, from the perspective of new theory and with examples of similar situations in the past, the case of Greece and the Euro.
Yusufkhoja, why are you pounding the pond? Analysts have been doing this for years.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

You can go to this thread where we will analyze in detail this case of Greece and Euro with the help of new theory and examples of solving similar situations in the past. This graph will tell you a lot and, I hope, clarify the situation. It would be better to discuss it in the abovementioned thread, not to interfere with this thread:

Gee, I have one too))))

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

You can go to this thread,

Already went... had a laugh... Thank you)))
We already went... had a laugh... thanks))))
Don't forget that we need a new mentor, the old one seems to be gone...)))
Don't forget that we need a new mentor, the old one seems to be gone...)))
Hope for reincarnation))))