FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1936

As far as I am concerned, no one has any thoughts on trading.)

I think that the appearance of articles that the euro will fall even if Greece does not leave the eurozone is a sign of panic at brokerage companies.

they are trying to level out the obvious sign of a euro drop. plus Alpari has sent out a warning to everyone that they will be limiting profits on eurobucks bets

the brokers do not make any real bets on the real forex market, otherwise they do not really care how much a client bets and how much he wins from his bet.

They are bookmakers and the currency is a riding horse. and it should be forbidden to register brokers in offshore zones and so on.

It is high time the laws were amended so that such bookmakers would be outlawed.

neyron: on the real forex exchange
"There is no such thing as a forex exchange...
On Greece -
Соглашаться ли на требования кредиторов, решат жители Греции - Первый канал
Соглашаться ли на требования кредиторов, решат жители Греции - Первый канал
  • 2015.06.28
Референдум в Греции пройдет 5 июля - эту дату утвердил парламент страны. Именно на нём грекам предстоит либо одобрить в обмен на новые кредиты проведение жестких реформ, либо отвергнуть их, что в конечном счёте выльется в дефолт. Референдум в Греции пройдет 5 июля - эту дату утвердил парламент страны. Именно на нём грекам предстоит либо...
The "forex exchange" does not exist...
For Greece -

what then exists?

where are the prices of currency pairs formed and where do the quotes come from?


what then exists?

Where are the prices of currency pairs formed and where does the quote come from?

So there is no unified tomato exchange either.

But somehow pricing is going on too. And even on the profile websites there are quotes once a week.

It is the same with currencies: there is a major player who gives bid and ask quotes, then smaller companies extend the spread and bring prices to retail clients.

Виталий Кононюк:

So there is no unified tomato exchange either.

But somehow pricing is going on too. And even on specialist websites, quotations appear once a week.

It is the same with currencies, there is a major player and he gives a buy and sell quote, then in a chain of smaller companies widening the spread bring the price to the retail client.

If it were tomatoes there would be a difference in price for the same tomato on say a "Cairo" exchange and a Sydney one, but there is no such thing.

So the exchanges are connected to the same system.

Are there any companies that trade on currency pairs in real terms?

The futures prices are very slim. i have no doubts when they start talking about a leverage of 1 to 100 or 500. what kind of source of liquidity is that huge?


If it were tomatoes, there would be a difference in the price of the same tomato on, say, the Cairo exchange and the Sydney exchange, but there is no such thing.

so the exchanges are connected into one system.

Are there any companies that trade on currency pairs in real life?

I have great doubts when they talk about a leverage of 1 to 100 or 500. What kind of source of liquidity is that huge.

The world has a huge number of companies that trade currencies by actually exchanging a part of dollars for euros or something else.

Even more smaller companies and private speculators trade cash futures, which are listed on regulated exchanges.

Tens of millions of balwans conclude margin transactions without delivery of a real asset (currency) using the services of a DC.

Speaking of leverage, if there were no leverage, the percentage of those who lose money would be much lower.


I guess forex does exist after all. If Alps reported a record trading volume of 95 billion in one month and this is an average volume for a brokerage house.

And there are brokerage companies that are flailing several hundreds of billions a month. So we can assume that only "kitchen" forex trading gives a monthly volume of trillions dollars.

Yes, judging by the quotes we can see that there were a lot of spikes in mid 2000, now everything is much smoother. That is, the privateers combined, contribute a lot of liquidity to this market.

Виталий Кононюк:

There are a huge number of companies in the world that trade currencies, actually exchanging a portion of dollars for euros or whatever.

An even larger number of smaller companies and private speculators trade settlement futures which are listed on regulated exchanges.

Tens of millions of balwans conclude margin transactions without delivery of a real asset (currency) using the services of a DC.

Speaking of leverage, if there were no leverage, the percentage of those who lose money would be much lower.

who are these magic companies.

I am telling you that the leverage is virtual.

They do not make any real trades because there is not enough liquidity for real trades.


who are these magic companies.

What I'm telling you is that these shoulders are virtual.

The market does not really exist, because there is not enough liquidity for actual transactions.

For example.

1. Most brokers have a cap on the size of the bet

2. If someone puts in 1 million dollars, then a leverage of 1 to 500 will let half a billion dollars fall out on the market?) WHY?

If you look at the amount of traders' accounts, they have more than 1 billion U.S. dollars in our country alone.


who are these magic companies.

My point is that these shoulders are virtual.

In reality, no trades are taking place as there is not enough liquidity for real trades.

If I tell you that in a day there are hundreds of billions of dollars in turnover to service debt securities transactions of investment companies + servicing foreign trade transactions of legal entities, you would not believe me.

It's just that forex in terms of marginless margin trading has nothing to do with foreign exchange transactions. Rather like your bet at the nearest bookmaker's office on the outcome of a football match.