FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1822

Anatoli Kazharski:
All this demagogy is meaningless anyway and in any case reflects all the same stupidity of life - you and I guided by our emotions are trying to impose our point of view on each other. Whoever wrote these precepts to say that you should not live this way is foolishness. You say there is no need to drink? But it is easier to drink than not to drink. That's the result - a great country is drunk... Take me - I know that I am terribly lazy, and I know that to a certain extent it is a vice and I have to fight it. But then again if you remember all the same years of accumulated human wisdom "the smart man won't go uphill - the smart man will go around". In other words, why reinvent the wheel a second time? Instead of opening a book, read how to do and go fishing you lose years to build this very bike - stupid!!! There are plenty of other things to do in life with a more rewarding pastime.
Moving on - again there is a saying "you can't take the fish out of the pond without work". A contradiction? Not at all. It does not mean that in order for the virtues of every man he must reinvent the wheel himself. Every single one. And that his inventor should have clamped his idea and shouted "this is life, guys - go to work, otherwise there will be no progress. Progress is hindered by the clamping of ideas - it's obvious )). Where would we be if every Popov would clamp his discovery and not share it with others? Probably many hundreds or even thousands of years behind...
It is much smarter to appropriate the discovery to yourself, share it with others AND THAT IS HIGHER!!! But if pride doesn't drive you, what does? Let's think about it. It turns out it's greed. You worked hard, you searched a lot of information, you made tests, you did experiments, you racked your brains ... so what happened? So what? Now you have to share all that? No, let them invent the bike themselves. That's what drives progress.
Show this to Uncle Vova, because he foolishly thinks that the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate and allocates 4 hundred dollars for the second baby to stimulate it

Every indicator or script should be designed to give the user a certain figure, a line, a point based on which he can plan his actions. As I have already mentioned, time scale in MT is non-linear, but in calculations it is not taken into account, which leads to distortions even if the mathematical formula is correct.

I'll try to explain on the example of Gann angles (still my topic) . Here the formula itself is distorted. Gann scale is a strict thing, if he calculated a cent per day - it is 1/1 - 45 degrees, then for a given tool is a constant, from which all calculations are conducted. The standard MT angles don't even mention the scale. And the angle is set by gauge method.

Somewhere like this, if it's not clear, sorry, it's not my hobby to explain...

If I understand correctly, it means what you were talking about earlier - the absence of days off, introducing distortion. Right? Well, if there are no trading on those days, then there are essentially none. How can there be distortions? There are no distortions. So the question is interesting - is it better to add these two days with the same closing price on Friday?
Hello, Wizard! And if you consider that the Old Testament is a remake of the Jewish Torah, then you have to add a few thousand years. And back then, there was a man and a half...
Confucius was there, Herodotus was there, Pythagoras was there... A couple of people at different times. The Chinese just weren't so rabbitish before. You rascals are getting out of hand.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Show this to Uncle Vova, because he foolishly thinks that the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate and allocates 4 hundred dollars for the second baby to stimulate it.
If you have land and energy to work it and provide vital necessities for the population and so on..,
then everything is fine. In other cases (countries) it is necessary to think. Russia has both...
the trader inside me says there must be a trend change after such explosive population growth)))

I know exactly where for a quid, but I won't tell you, and Google won't help.))

I'm not proving anything to you, I just do some charity work sometimes, which I'll stop doing soon)

=))) Awareness is a step towards progress =))
Daniil Stolnikov:
If I understand correctly, you mean what you said earlier - the lack of days off, introducing distortion. Is that right? Well, if you don't trade on those days, there are essentially none. What kind of distortions could there be? There are no distortions. So the question is interesting - what is more correct - as it is or we should add these two days with the same closing price of Friday's trading?
There's trading on the weekend as well... so there are gaps on Mondays...
trader inside me says there must be a trend change after such explosive population growth)))
Agreed... no one has cancelled the tulip chart yet )))) the bubble will start to deflate as resources are depleted...
If there is territory and energy to process it, provide livelihoods for the population, etc..,
then everything is fine. In other cases (countries) one has to think about it. Russia has both...
That is why "the other countries envy us," as they say in the Nasha Russia show. )) They keep trying to cut us up, like a cake But what is interesting is that it is mainly the United States that is trying to cut us up. The United States, which has enough territory. They have oil. But no, not enough. They need more. They are greedy...
But if you think about it, is there anything to be jealous of? All the more or less suitable areas are inhabited. Even Siberia, which is virtually uninhabitable - the climate and everything... Forest has been cleared here since the dawn of time... As they say, these are the areas of "risky agriculture", where there is almost no sun and fruits and vegetables do not come out without efforts and additional fertilizers... Who would go there? Well, maybe the Chinese. It is doubtful... So it looks like everything is in its place. Russia is in its place and so are the others. Well, they multiply there - their merit)). As they say welcome - migrate to Siberia - the land of the unemployed