FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1729

Zogman to be a trader is hard, you have to leave the whole world behind, forget everything, if you trade at home send them away and not think, go on vacation, travel and maybe drink and smoke ))))

all marketplaces (esn) have their own marketplace, which is most likely filled with hft market makers etc.

the banks usually have streaky quotes

The concept of streaky quotes is new to me. Can't say anything )))

Marketplaces have their own, yes. But if you take a closer look they don't differ much!!! It is indicative and combines the liquidity of both suppliers and locals.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
I'll have to take up the pound to put an end to that dogma.
It certainly doesn't hurt to have an extra point of view. But why would it be any different from the public one? ))

mm - market makers ?

market makers make money on second-to-second volatility

Market makers, as understood by Mosbirch, make money by providing liquidity.

explain how,

I understand this.

obviously mm benefits if the price stands still - they take the spread and there is no risk...

let's say the price goes down like on the eu for half a year - clients sell - and it means mm is buying ... so it looks like mm is out of the money...

how do you solve this contradiction ?

Where's the contradiction? Who says they're only on one side of the deal? Who says that their deposit is depleted after the price passes a figure?

downward price movement = there are more sellers than buyers - so the mr. mr. has to make up for the lack of counterparties

i.e. he always does this if the price is headed

It's been discussed somewhere. If someone buys, someone sells - in other words there is always a balance of buyers and sellers.

MM does it because he gets paid for it. Otherwise what the hell kind of MM is he? An ordinary rank-and-file speculator.

It is not that simple.

"- To think about the fact that maybe the market participant does not need to compensate for the losses of the contract at all, because the original purpose was different

- to think that losses in a contract may not be the losses of a market maker or imitator or speculator, but the opposite - of a hedger.
- To think that the "legs" of a strategy may not only be in futures or options, but in both, or even in a spot or a real producer's market.

- think about the way in which expirations are moved from contract to contract and how and for what purpose "trial balls" are rolled out

True thoughts!!! Who says that MM is not hedged on an option? Or that he is not a hedger-speculative?
Too complicated to be true )))
Why is it complicated? These are the normal rules of the market. You don't call Russian complicated, do you? You just know it and that's it - all the rules of punctuation, spelling, etc...
Too complicated to be true )))
If such simple things are "too complicated", then ....

simple example

mm for metals on the mmwb was metalinvestbank (recently abandoned)

price xaurub = xauusd *usdrub

can a small russian bank influence xauusd and usdrub prices

the answer is no.

agree your approach will not work.

more examples ?

it can. the question is how long it can do it...