FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1728


It is not that simple.

"- To think about the fact that maybe the market participant does not need to compensate for the losses of the contract at all, because the original purpose was different

- think about how losses in the contract may not be the market maker's or imitator's or speculator's, but the opposite - the hedger's.
- To think that the "legs" of a strategy may not only be in futures or options, but in both, or even in a spot or real producer's market.

- think about how contracts are moved from contract to contract at expirations and how and for what purpose "trial balls" are rolled out

i do not understand expirations

what is their role ? on futures ? on options ? what are the trial balloons ...

the real producers buy options to hedge risks ?


Everything has an impact, but it is only there that you can trace it. If you think about it, there is nothing complicated about what you wrote.

"As for themarket maker being obliged to take a bullet - he does not have the right to open positions when he wants (he sees the full depth of the stack, sees OI changes during the day, has insider knowledge). He is obliged to match orders at his own expense, only if there are not enough orders ofother participants in the market".

I honestly do not know what a market maker is and do not really want to know, but I see that the price is always held so that everyone would be in position ... I mean in a big negative position:

Vladimir Zubov:

Honestly, I don't know what a glass is and don't really want to know, but I see that they always keep the price so that everyone would be in a rut... I mean in a big negative box:

what's that?
what is it?
Sentiment indicator from the fxbook, the rest is mine.
Vladimir Zubov:
Sentiment indicator from fxbook, the rest is mine
trading against the crowd ?
trading against the crowd ?
Oops, it happens all the time, but I try to trade against, but against as it turns out is not always right, no one knows the true volumes)
Vladimir Zubov:
Oy all kinds of things happen, but I try against, but against as it turned out is not always right, no one knows the true volumes)

retail is mostly spreading.

what do you mean everyone was in a big negative lot ?


retail is mostly spreading.

What do you mean everyone was in a big negative position ?

The average buy and sell position (green and pink line on the picture), and the price is between them and corrects wherever you open and share) as a result everyone is in the red, and someone is in the plus ...


That's why you have to go in for sure)

What's that?
Sorry, strawberries have to be picked in the garden)