FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1550


same trend again, now a correction of 1.11

Hey Shaman! Got a hoku spoiled...

There is a resistance, even two. The green one from January 2 this year


time warp...


Same trend again, now a correction of 1.11

Geez - how do you use this? ( No sarcasm )
Alexey Busygin:
I once heard a conversation between two Koreans who ran away from there and now cannot be driven back even under the threat of death.
Iam not sure what to do with it:

Everything will be fine in North Korea. The main thing is not to sleep when Juche is making his speech, or they might shoot him with a machine gun,

Last year on May holidays I was in Prague.

There was a group of tourists from North Korea staying with us in the hotel.

I did not believe it and in the canteen I asked again - yes, really they were from the North.

Since then, I take all information about the "horrors of life in North Korea" with a smirk.

When they asked me where I was from and I said that I was from Ukraine, they said they had never heard of such a country. That is the way it is.



In the mountain stream...
The wind builds a dam...
Sensei bends time...

Above the pomme weeps...

Smoking Japanese tanks...

Where the mountains of the Alps...
Where the path lies from the pommes...
I left Sensei...
And now... going down the mountain path...
I don't think I live myself...

Где горы Альпы...
Где путь лежит из паммов...
Оставил я Сенсея...
И вот...спускаясь горною тропою...
Мне кажется и сам я не живу...

And there's nothing to talk about...

no way...

You bet ))))

pamm_Solo_drums = -100*Low^(-14)


Audi wants to give back...
Sorcerer, did you hear that? That ah...sha...euv was going down without bouncing off HIS dashes... What's the world coming to ....
Audi wants to give back...

He's already screwed all of you.)