FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1549

There are other things to worry about...
Yeah, yeah, yeah - feeding time... at the Master's.

You set the limit, it's 10 seconds. You've been drawing a lot longer
Tamagotchi ! Feeding time! Na...

Just don't eat the pink ones ))))

Hey, Wizard! Don't feed the expired stuff... We don't want any trouble)))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Yeah, yeah, yeah - feeding time... at the Teacher's.

Set a limit - 10 seconds. You've been drawing a lot longer
Don't be silly...
Hello, Wizard! Don't feed us expired goods... We don't want any trouble)))
Hilarious!)) Hi...
Don't boo...
on the Bhugra?

Good night all wildlife!!!
Daniil Stolnikov:
on the Bugra?

Good night to all the critters!!!
You're right, it's time for the kids to potty and cradle Sleep, my dear, go to sleep...
hilarious ))) hello...

The green one is pointing the stops down.

And the trader's ah-ha-ha - far out

TP homeless...


same trend again, now a correction of 1.11

hee hee

The green one is pointing the stops down.

And the trader's ah-ha-ha - far out

TP is homeless...

In the mountain stream...
The wind builds a dam...
Sensei bends time...

В горном потоке...
Ветер плотину строит...
Сенсей искривляет время...

Over the pomme weeps...

Smoking Japanese tanks...