FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1511

Alexey Busygin:
What's the forecast for Saturday resurrection, the market is asleep, people are blowing
I understand that you have to be like him, wake up Monday morning and go finger over the buttons, it does not work for me)
No, I don't trade it. "If the pound, then the euro" opinion is wrong.
Hey, Old Man! Why don't you use the euro?
Hi, Old Man! Why don't you use the eu?
I explained, a trade with the same volume on the euro and the pound - the difference is about 20% in money.
Alekseu Fedotov:

Audi waiting 7810-15, Pound 5137+-10.

Good luck. Happy Holidays everyone!

What are we waiting for? Been shopping for a long time and will be adding more)
Explained, a trade with the same volume on euro and pound - difference of about 20% in money.
But the losses are also by the same percentage higher
But the losses are also the same percentage higher.
I don't have a loss)

Just pictures...


From the picture the euro and the pound are well connected.

My feeling is that there is a link with the lag - a strong move starts on one pair in a few days to be repeated on the other pair.

I don't have any losses)
Then why not raise revenue by the lot? And not by a measly 20%, but by times, or an order of magnitude...?
Then why not raise the profits by the lot? And not by a measly 20%, but by times, or an order of magnitude...?

there is always risk, it's just that the proportion of risk is regulated by the lot=)

Hello all...