FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1234

Ishim, price cannot make up 1.13. Only tehanalysis can make it up, which price itself does not possess, as price is solely a numerical reflection of the balance between supply and demand.

On the pound by the way, the breakdown has closed on the boo - the red line, on the yen not yet (the point is that it is not necessary now - it is possible through the breakdown). Yes, it's tehanalysis - it's always done - and it's no secret (everyone has known for a long time that the breakdowns are closed). I treat price as a tool and the numbers there are not random (well I wrote above when it's not that important - hike from target to target). Demand supply - I would exclude these expressions (concepts) from a trader's everyday life - let analysts express themselves. Price is traded by a pool of traders - that's the opinion I stand by.


On the pound by the way, the breakdown has closed on the boo - the red line, on the yen not yet (the point is that it is not necessary now - it is possible through the breakdown). Yes, it's tehanalysis - it's always done - and it's no secret (everyone has known for a long time that the breakdowns are closed). I treat price as a tool and the numbers there are not random (well I wrote above when it's not that important - hike from target to target). Demand supply - I would exclude these expressions (concepts) from a trader's everyday life - let analysts express themselves. Price trades a pool of traders - that's the opinion I remain with.

that is for sure.

developing logic....

price is rising - there were many sellers and now there are buyers and vice versa. where will the balance be? the forecast is starting to appear, isn't it? only a very close forecast, a few minutes ahead at most.


And I can draw a horizontal with my eyes closed and it will have a dozen matches.

When you drew the bowser on the chart, you were convinced of that more than once.

I drew it a long time ago - not coincidences, not punches - there are real inputs - don't you get it!

By the way you probably haven't read I've voiced here action - counteraction, price will counteract - sellers and their orders.

The advantage of the trade is not in the price (read counteraction), but in the scenario - the EUR will look at 1.02 (there is a finish or + - something) at 1.14 to see what happens )))), and before that there will be noise! - and you'll draw a bunch of rays there AND and change your mind 10 times )))))) (and I will )


that's for sure.

developing logic....

price goes up - there were a lot of sellers and now there are buyers and vice versa. where will the balance be? the forecast starts to appear, doesn't it? only a very close forecast, for a few minutes at most.

Give me a 100% forecast for 5 minutes and I'll have a Rothschild in a month...

that's for sure.

developing logic....

price goes up - there were a lot of sellers and now there are buyers and vice versa. where will the balance be? the forecast starts to appear, doesn't it? only very close to the forecast, a few minutes ahead at most.

The answer is simple - you can't guess. the price may or may not go up - it could be a false positive. (sellers are buyers - maybe the accounts are double)
Give me a 100% forecast for 5 minutes and I'll have a Rothschild in a month...
and you're nobody (((((, you've got the volumes under control! - on the demo! (and if you really see the future... you should know there are people in black....)

Long time ago I drew - not coincidences, not punches - there are real inputs - don't you get it!

By the way you probably didn't read I was voicing action - counteraction, price will engage in counteraction - to sellers and their orders.

The advantage of the trade is not in the price (read counteraction), but in the scenario - the EUR will look at 1.02 (there is a finish or + - something) at 1.14 to see what happens )))), and before that there will be noise! - and you'll draw a bunch of rays there AND and change your mind 10 times )))))) (and I will)

The price has come to life for you again...

The words don't pile up, but individually they seem to read.

I don't draw them, the robot drew them a long time ago, but I have to think... unlike you...

The answer is simple - you can't guess. the price is going up, maybe it's not - maybe it's a false positive. (sellers are buyers - maybe the accounts are double).
no, each point of movement is an equalisation of the balance. level - volumes are roughly equal.
Give me a 100% prediction for 5 minutes and I'll have a Rothschild in a month...
100% doesn't work, unfortunately.
no, every movement point is a balance equalisation. level - volumes are roughly equal.
It has always been a mystery to me - volume trading - there has to be 0 balance there (or else price will fall in one direction without limit)