FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1199

You're against catching fleas, then you welcome it ... there's either a double standard here?)) or you "turn a blind eye" when it happens to "protect" your "interests"))
You just got it all wrong. )))

Well done, good Idler))))

I do this kind of shit on m5. don't give me any options.
I'm going to go below. the Strangs are nervously scratching their turnips.
I'm going to go below. Strange is nervously scratching his turnips.
And Strange has a CU!

Levels according to my method at the moment ...1.4904 from there buying ...I gave the Figure))


Levels according to my method at the moment ...1.4904 from there buying ..Figure I gave))

branch collapsed. my feeble mind can't comprehend......
pound bought, scarecrows?
I don't need to comment on mine.

I have limiters below, I don't need your kd and m5, I already know where to buy them)

Either you're against catching fleas, or you welcome it ... there's a double standard here?)) or you "turn a blind eye" when it happens to "protect" your "interests"))

I don't need your limiters, I don't need your m5s and I know where they'll go.


Who cares, just go ahead and leak it, there's no need to comment on mine.

That's what you practice ))))
The pound is going to stand still and the euro is going to renew its highs, you can see it very clearly on the charts...