FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1166


I've never once insulted you. You've never called me anything but names. So I'm not the boor, you are. ))

You can express your opinion correctly, but don't use words like asshole, boor, tubic, troll64, snotty etc. against others. You've already done that more than once. It violates forum rules and you might get banned for that. )))

read what you writecarefully and DO NOT HUMMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For example, I emphasize:

Don't compare yourself tostranger. It's too much of an honour for you. Apart from him no one here (in this thread) has posted useful information in such detail, so he has every right. ))

And about algorithms... I'm not the one who should be studying it, you are. But in principle, don't even begin, you won't be able to do it.))

P.S> But the fact that you remembered at least the names of your methods the first time you tried them is good enough. I might have added it to my favorites. But you missed one, though. (Not a credit.)))



read what you writecarefully and DO NOT HUMMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For example, I emphasise:

Don't compare yourself tostranger. The honour is too great for you. Apart from him no one here (in this thread) has posted useful information in such detail, so he has every right. ))

And about algorithms... I'm not the one who should be studying it, you are. But in principle, don't even begin, you won't be able to do it.))

P.S> But the fact that you remembered at least the names of your methods the first time you tried them is good enough. I might have added it to my favorites. But you missed one, though. (Not a credit.)))

So the insults only come from you. So who needs to pay more attention to you or me? )

Besides, my responses were to your posts where you started being rude and provoking me first into a conflict. But I won't give in and will be polite and well-mannered to the end. ))




If I write something to you, it doesn't mean I'm booring you. Maybe you're just uncomfortable being told you're wrong about something. But it's for your own good, after all. ))


If I write something to you, it doesn't mean I'm booring you. Maybe you're just uncomfortable being told you're wrong about something. But it's for your own good. ))


Ilya, draw the euro. And the professor is not coming in(
Ilya, draw the eu.

he's going to upset me..... it's all there anyway...

but in this screen shot above it's really hard to see where.

is the professor in sales?



Ilya, crosses are a link between pairs, especially if you have all the dollar elements of a cross open. You get no more than a loss of a 3 spread. A triangle always stands still (if you open/close it all at once), it's a lock-lock at all.
Ilya, crosses are a link between pairs, especially if you have all the dollar elements of a cross open. You get no more than a loss of 3 spreads. The triangle is always in place, it's a lock-lock in general.
I asked: where to?
Ilya, draw the euro. And the professor doesn't come in.

it's been painted...

up and down...