FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1050


You mean there are no open ones? I showed you the open ones. How much margin, how much drawdown? The ratio of both relative to the depo how much(?) - it's even more important to have more profit than the size of the profit itself.

For example, in my second strategy the margin is 5%, the drawdown is 1-2%, which means the possibility of increasing the margin up to 50% (for example) and increasing the profit by 10 times, and without breaking a sweat.

No open ones yet. I'm telling you I'm shaken up by sharp fluctuations. And why sit with such a pile
What goes up or down?

It's different, I've hit a couple of pending orders and don't fidget...

2760 - sell limit, profit 2600.

eurgbp 7125, 7135 sell limits, profit 71000

Eurobucks, buy from the current, target for today 1.0800, stop under today's low. No certainty, 50/50.

Dear traders, well can someone explain the following situation:

orders are opened simultaneously on 2 different accounts (4 (fixed spread) and 5-digit(floating spread)), on one account one financial result, on the other absolutely different (5-digit) - more than 2 times less

i will tell you right away - baika has nothing to do with it. i started a little bit at different times, it's not the point.

Eurobucks, buy from the current, target for today 1.0800, stop under today's low. No certainty, 50/50.
I am not sure about buying either, but at 1.0800 will come
I haven't seen a drawdown of more than 1-2% in a long time, even though I pledged 5% of the depo....


Yeah. It's just been a recent drain. Otherwise, yeah, no drawdown.



Yeah. It's just been a recent drain. Otherwise, yeah, no drawdown.

If you don't know what a demo is and what a real account is, then study for now... If you don't know what demo and real are, then learn for now ... but don't talk about sitting out and using the word "flea-bitten" as a cover.

Dear traders, well can someone explain the following situation:

orders are opened simultaneously on 2 different accounts (4 (fixed spread) and 5-symbol(floating spread)), on one account one financial result, on the other is completely different (5-symbol) - more than 2 times less

the spread, the five-digit may be 5 at the time of the transaction, but the five-digit is 50, the four-digit is 5.

I have already checked with the brokerage company and they even have different spread names, i will try to find their answer

the spread, b and 5-digit may be 5 at the moment of a transaction, but for five-digit it is 50, for four-digit it is 5.
That's the spread. That's how we get screwed, so.......

Dear traders, well can someone explain the following situation:

orders are opened simultaneously on 2 different accounts (4 (fixed spread) and 5-digit(floating spread)), one account has one financial result, the other is completely different (5-digit) - more than 2 times less

On 5-digit spreads are floating and at some interesting moments it increases, especially at the moment of order opening, sometimes it may go up and stay in the bottom, so you don't open the sales. I have seen it once with fixed spread, but I pretended not to notice it.