FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 901

Great! The eurik is on the move, it's time to buy

If you want to trade with them, don't listen to them. no one will tell you anything good here. you should put two e-maps on the minutes with periods of 5 and 15 and don't worry about predictions.

Does that mean you want to sell?


Does it mean selling to the bottom?

It is better to start looking at ma-cells when the signal changes (input).

if you wait for the signal to change, it's better to colour them in different colours for better visibility.

The H1 period is a good choice. The price is not too low, but the price is higher than the price of the dollar.


Is it going down to sell?

It's way down already, don't miss a buy or you'll be selling until next year

the redheads are out partying at night...


the redheads are out partying at night...

I'd rather buy an Audi, it's at least 0.80

Sell USD/JPY History here


It's best to start watching the ma-cells with a change in signal (input). you have to wait. and it's better to paint them in different colours for clarity.

Otherwise, they are better than asterisks.

The H1 period is a good choice. The price is not too low, but the price is higher than the price of the dollar.

How do you understand this: start looking at the signal change (input)?
How do we understand this: start looking at the signal change (entry)?

The price is moving up or down, when one is higher, the other - lower and vice versa. Entry - at the beginning of such signal change. exit - when you get as much as your soul calms down.

Here's the development of yesterday's MAs, below there are bays, above there are sells (above there are a couple of bays on the entrance, they don't work):

I'd rather buy an Audi, it's up at least 0.80

well, well...