FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 876


market and on weekends breathing:

what about the pound? i think the pound went down and the euro got a bit higher? and the dts is interesting too.

What one, 4, 5012, 5213, 5346 and 5348) That's enough.

In fact yes, no one trades here but you))))

and there's only one deal ((((
What about the pound? I think the pound went down and the euro went up a bit? and the DTs are interesting too.


Last week I had no higher than 5555)

it was like this

and on the right it was already like this


it was like this

I remember you saying it was more likely to go down.

That's why it's either/or for you and only up for me)))

I didn't get above 5555 last week)

You're twisting your words, it's just his correction that's too low - that's what I pointed out to him!

And you're already attributing it to me ((((

my forecast (not everyone has registration)


You're twistingmy words, he is the one who has too low a correction - that's what I pointed out to him!

And you're already attributing this to me ((((

my forecast (not everyone has registration)

I remember you said it was more likely to go down.
Well, it did go down, though with an initial excess upwards...
what about the pound? i think the pound went down and the euro went up a bit? and the DTs are interesting too.

what about it? write the rail and you'll see...

the grand is there...

it's been going downhill.
Our forecasts at the very least - should match HIS! (such a contagion is sitting on the pound so far - some new virus)