FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 841

the signal is the same, it's just reinvesting. while we're rewriting) (from the moment I came into the thread)
what are you all looking at=) give me a link=)
the signal is the same, it's just reinvesting. while we're rewriting, I've doubled)
depo!? (need to give you a password - pamm pull out)))))
depo! ? (i need to give you a password - take out pamm)))))

Yeah, first day of the test basically. Who can say?)

I'll get it out if it tests for at least a week.

that's what i thought... the sale is on)

what are you all looking at here=) give me a link=)
CME, there's plenty of those links.)
CME, there's plenty of those links.)
i thought you were a robot =) and you're .... eh =)))
I thought you were racing a robot =) but you're .... eh =)))
of course - a robot) i don't know how you can do that with a calculator if the computer takes a dozen seconds to calculate
Of course - a robot) I don't see how you can do that with a calculator if the computer counts for a dozen seconds
I mean a robot on a bill=)
I mean the robot on the account=)
I think it's indecent to put a demo in the signals (?), especially if you want to test it a bit, so that it won't get killed in the end)
I think it's indecent to put a demo into signals (?), especially if you want to test it, so it won't get killed in the end)
throw it in=) it'll still cost 0 on your subscription =)
in a week, not before.