FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 808



Приветик !
Ну  вот :-)

По Еврочки  нарисуй прогноз    пожалуйста !

Спасибо !

Ninja Trader asks for a license code how do you use it?
You need to register and then it will come to your email.
You have to register and then the email is sent to you.
Only your username and password are sent to your email account.

На мыло приходит только логин и пароль.

And from AMR the key.

I can embroider too
I understand there's a one-month demo, I still have to install it.
I can embroider too.
That's not what I was asking. How long have you been studying?
That's not what I was asking. How much schooling?
I'm almost 40 ... I worked more ... Fin Finished my credit
I'm almost 40 ... More working ... Fin credit finished

Well, five years, then.

Don't you have to study trading? You just go out and trade?)


Well, five years, then.

Don't you have to study trading? I just go and trade?)

I have been in the market for 10 years to be honest and I do nothing but that ... I support my family on my earnings from trading ... I want to develop and I see you are a very competent person.