FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 767

I don't plan to short it for two and a half to three years.
So no one is asking you what your plans are, sell it if you want, smoke it if you don't... or mushrooms))))
No one is asking you what your plans are, sell it if you want, smoke it if you don't... or mushrooms))))
so i don't ask anyone what i should do.
so I don't ask anyone what I should do.
You could have.)
for luck,

I've got this shitty bitch sold out.

Thank you!
What should I do with the euro to sell or buy?
What should I do with euros to sell or buy?
depending on what the targets are in the points?
What are your targets in pips?
Not yet, I was busy with forex and now I am too lazy to analyse
I could have)))

Strange, dear ! :-)

Of course it's good to share thoughts, but everyone should have his own TS.

You have a long term - a week or more.
And I myself have discovered that for me it suits for a few days. My trading robot is the most profitable one (I open it today and close it tomorrow).

I tried to trade long term a year ago - it did not suit me. (For example, I opened now, ..... went through 100 points, then returned to the open position. Then you think, damn ... 100 points waiting in vain).

Thanks !
what are the objectives of the points?