FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 718

you're wasting your time =) 1.16 the benchmark

It was a pips, and from pullbacks I'm gaining down, now there will probably be a pullback up, but! I don't trade up, I don't like to go against the grain, it wears me out))))

1.2500 sell limit.

Good afternoon. Sorry to interrupt.
Stranger, maybe this is not the right question ... can your method explain the movement of the pound?

You wrote today 5345 must take into account the kitchen, it's +- 10
the same people who wrote today 5345 have to consider the kitchen, it's +- 10
So it is not known whether it will go or not and nothing was said about it? There should be at least some hint, nuance about more probability of such movement
let the big one pay off
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015. - Страница 707 - Категория: общее обсуждение
gave the big guy a payback.
Don't tell Sensei, he'll say you don't know anything)))
Don't tell Sensei, he'll say you don't know anything)))
Well, I knew on Wednesday there'd be a return at 5360 =)
I knew on Wednesday there would be a refund at 5360 =)
Why didn't you say something? ....