FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 241

From 1.1590 there will be a swing.
I would like to know where the boat will end up...))) where is the bigger premium on the option? I mean on the way now. So we are waiting for a swing up 10 farts and down)))).

Thanks !

premiums do not affect the limits.

Wait until you approach one of the corridor limits first.

Whatever. That's not the point.
What is it about? The same euro high on the March futures (current) was around 1.2570, and I, for one, don't know what these numbers are about)))
And in what? For example the euro high on the March futures was around 1.2570, and I for example do not know what these numbers are about)))

That's why you have two tanks a week.

I told you that I spent all night counting and recalculating these spreadsheets from top to bottom. The casino is a 5k casino. And I chose not only those options where the money is flowing, but all of them.

In order to go over the limit, you have to try your hardest and no one cares about the premiums that are already there.


that's why you have two tanks a week.

I told you I was up all night counting those tables.

I'm just amazed you found the grail on the first page at the top, where the rest of us were looking.

Not the top one, sorry, the only one

I'm just amazed you found the grail on the first page on the top line, where the rest of us were looking.
no one has found anything. finish the previous post, it's finished.

on the euchre other figures:

1.1990 / 1.1190

(1.1990 + 1.1190) / 2 =1,1590
(1.1990 + 1.1190) / 2 =1,1590
it means that we can go there and here as well. we are in the heart of a put and call lock)))) at this point and will need to cover in the short term, the target in fact.
no one has found anything. finish the previous post, it's finished.

Just if you are interested in the distribution of volumes on the futures contract since the beginning of the contract you can just look at the chart)


Just if you are interested in the distribution of volumes on the futures contract since the beginning of the contract you can just look at the chart)

i already have a million of them...

the top one's prices, the bottom one's volume.

pink is forecast

green - real

Started this afternoon, as I was recording the data by mistake before.

the interesting thing is that the output is much easier !!!


I already have a million of them...

the top one's prices, the bottom one's volume

the interesting thing is that the conclusion is much easier !!!

I'd love to hear it.