FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 147

Doesn't the pako have an inductor that draws differently?
Sure )))) It's prettier ))))

I'm just stoked about the zoo))))

It's nerve-wracking.


Of course )))) It's prettier )))
it's nice.

where's 8080?


Well, the raffle's over, and that's history.

What, are you saying you're too late, the train's left?)

and the clowns stayed?)


What, you mean it's too late, the train has left?)

and the clowns stayed?))

no, well, maybe there will be presents, but that's the future))))

It's nerve-wracking.


No, dear, it's been a long time since I've been nervous, yeah)))) I'll get the bears kicked, then I'll be salting)
5150 is in debt. there are many other things there. they'll grab 5100, then they'll push it up to 5200)))) but the situation may change at any moment. there are a lot of moneybags and who knows what they have in mind))))
I know))))
5150 in debt. there's a lot more. they'll get 5100, then they'll push it up to 5200)))) but the situation may change at any moment. there are a lot of bigwigs and who knows what they have in mind))))
You're right )))). If they don't go down, they may go up or vice versa))).
OK, fantasise for now, I'll see you at 55)