FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 49

There will be no grail of stolen information.

What makes you think I'm stealing it?

am i honestly paying for the service i receive?

or do you see where i'm getting the dates?

OK, I'll give it a try.
I'll tell you right away, don't waste your time, you'll be given exactly the same information, only without the 10 minute delay and in a very sloppy execution.

Got it.

Thank you !

You're the only one who understands me )))) Thank you )))
What if there is an OI of 6000 contracts on volume 50?)

That's what I'm saying.

I'll try the volume at the top, the OI at the bottom in a different colour.


That's what I'm saying.

I'm going to try a different colour at the top and a different colour at the bottom.

Don't forget the arrows)))
And if on the volume of 50 hangs OI 6000 contracts?)

It will be reflected in the volume anyway, the volume will increase at strike one day or the next.


Is it possible to add to this the summing up of the volume on the strings from the very beginning of trading on the contract? And then in another indicator or script run separately "Show accumulated volume" (to avoid online mess and levels do not mix).

Thank you!

And do not forget about the arrows ))))
The market has not yet "swallowed" or even "sniffed", so the arrows will "poop" for a while. With arrows anyone can deplete the stock exchange :-)))

I have to watch till the end of the month, all the same, it will reflect in the volume.

Is it possible to add to this the summing up of the volume on the strings from the very beginning of trading on the contract? And then in another indicator or script, execute "Show accumulated volume" separately (to avoid online mess and levels don't mix).

I have no doubts, thank you!

i.e. the volume i got yesterday is one and today it shows yesterday's volume, i.e. 5 yesterday and 5 today plus 3 = 8 or 5-3 = 2

or am i screwed again?

We'll have to wait till the end of the month.


I will show it in the volume, not today, but tomorrow it will increase in the strike.

Is it possible to add to this the summing up of the volume on the strings from the very beginning of trading on the contract? And then in another indicator or script run separately "Show cumulative volume" (to avoid online mess and levels don't mix).

Thank you!

There should not be any other reasons in nature than those that are necessary and sufficient to explain the phenomena. For nature is simple and does not luxuriate in superfluous causes.

И. Newton.



If not today or tomorrow, the volume will rise.

Is it possible to add to this the summing up of the volume on the strings from the very beginning of trading on the contract? And then in another indicator or script run separately "Show cumulative volume" (to avoid online mess and levels don't mix).

Thanks a lot!

There should not be any other reasons in nature than those that are necessary and sufficient to explain the phenomena. For nature is simple and does not luxuriate in superfluous causes.

И. Newton.


And what would HE say?

By that time we would all know who we are and where we are going))))

Yes, we would know the entire Euro route a year in advance where our kinfolk are and in which circus we should go (And Barabashkin is keeping quiet.